
Why does my husky do this??

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I recently gained a husky into the household. hes 7yrs old and actually we think completely blind. Hes only got one eye as he gained glaucoma and lost one of them, however we dont think he can see out of the other one. However the reason im tellin you this is cos he has a habbit of l*****g non- stop my metal kitchen table legs. Ive had no other dog that has done this before and i was wondering if anyone knew why he did it please help also hes quite a loving husky as we think hes insecure due to the blindness could anyone tell me are all huskies loving or more independent cos i heard they were more independt thanks




  1. Try giving the dog vitamins - it can't hurt and only help, maybe he has a mineral deficiency!?  Huskies are usually high energy dogs, that is why they are used as sled dogs.  They also have a habit of loving everyone - they will be just as happy with a stranger as they are with you.  Ever notice that sled dogs are chained up?  Huskies like people so much and have so much energy that if they don't get enough exercise, they will run away.  I once had a rescue husky (temporarily), he kept running away and I'd find him down the street playing with kids.  They are great dogs to take jogging with you.  Give him time to settle in, take him for walks and try vitamins.  He'll do fine.  

  2. I'm not sure why he would l**k the table legs. I used to have a husky named Misty. I adopted her form a shelter when she was 7-8 years old. She had arthritis really bad in her hind legs. I have also heard that huskies are very independent. But Misty was the most loving dog I have ever owned. So it just depends ont their personality. Hope this helps!

  3. As for the l*****g of metal, this is called a pica.  Pica is a desire to eat or l**k nonedible objects.  I had an Aussie who did the same thing your dog does.  As long as it's not something harmful, I'd just let him do it.  But if he finds himself attracted to something that could harm him,  he needs to have his access to it restricted.  There are theories, such as mineral deficiency, but sometimes picas are just there and there is no obvious reason why.

  4. Do you clean the table leg with anything that could leave a residue?  Also, I was thinking...the metal could be cold and maybe he's too warm and likes the cool feeling.  I'm not sure about the whole loving/independent part but I know they can be a "one" person dog and maybe he is just thankful that someone has taken him in and not put he down?  Good luck to a great dog lover.

  5. Sudden blindness does change a dog, just like it would a human.

    I had a male who lost both eyes to Glaucoma...after he lost the first (at about age 8), he was more insecure and stuck very close to his kennel mate when they were out in the exercise yard. He was not as social with the other dogs.

    After he lost the other (at about age 12), he was afraid to leave his kennel, flinched when touched, and couldn't adjust although we tried to make everything routine for him.

    I don't know very much about Pica, but I have seen behavioral problems appear in situations like this -- fortunately, this one isn't necessarily harmful (although it might be weird or annoying).

    He is going to be less independent and more "loving"/more likely to stick close to you because he is insecure. This is not typical of the breed, but it is typical of a dog who has lost their sight.

    Good luck!

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