
Why does my leg get paralized???

by  |  earlier

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ok sometimes when im in the car in a 15 minet drive my leg gets parilize its like i dont a leg usally my right i cant move but this happend to me 3 in my life and it hurts badly




  1. What is it with people on Yahoo answers who can't use the english language! YOU SHOULD OF LISTENED IN SCHOOL, now the people who paid attention are laughing at you!

  2.    This is probably  caused by sitting in one position  for extended periods of time and as previous answerers said and cutting of the blood circulation in your leg.  Don't worry about your grammer but try to improve it the same as I am..

  3. It bodes of deep vein thrombosis. Is your B.P. low? DVT is very dangerous. Get a checkup done.

  4. Sounds like your leg falls asleep because you've cut off circulation. How are you sitting when this happens?

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