
Why does my parakeet do this?

by  |  earlier

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i have 2 parakeets, and they love each other so whenever i try to hold one they just fly back to the cage. i only like one of them because the other parakeet hates people and when i try to touch her or anything she squaks like crazy and runs sooooo i have no idea what to do?





    you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website.

  2. I think your parakeet does this because it, and your other parakeet are very close. They want to be around each other all of the time. If you take one of the away from the other one. then the One left will go crazy, and eventually die, from grief. Good luck with this.

  3. Learn to love both of them unconditionally.  When you get a pet, it's because you're going to love it forever no matter what.  How do you expect this bird to ever learn to trust you if you don't like her, especially considering how hard it already is for a bird to learn to trust a human?  Love, patience, understanding, and patience are what they respond to.  She may never be fully tame because she's already bonded to the other bird, but you have to accept that possibility and love her anyway, and she may start to be more calm around you eventually.

  4. Well, depending on the age, you could try to tame the mean one. You will probably get bit alot but trust me, its TOTALY worth it! :) Good Luck!

    If you need more help email me!!! :)

  5. Parakeets get bonded and they don't liked to be separated. When I take one cage with a parakeet in another room, they start chirping to each other like crazy. Females are usually more shy than the males, be gentle with her and give her treats and celery, she may eventually warm up to you.

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