
Why does my question get deleted?

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I asked why The Iowans are acting different from the Katria people. I now do not want an answer to that question, i simply want a serious answer as to why i cant even ask that question? Please someone answer in detail why i cannot ask a simple question?




  1. You should ask this question in the Yahoo Answers forum (Yahoo! Products > Yahoo! Answers). "Why did my question get deleted?" is asked there all the time, and the people that answer in that forum know the guidelines very well.

    I don't know how you asked it, so I can't definitively say that you broke the guidelines. But it's possible that the YA people have "Katrina" flagged as a potential abuse question  and delete it right away. If you check your email, there will be an alert that your question was a violation. From that email, you can submit an appeal if you think it was deleted by mistake.

    Be sure to demonstrate in your appeal that you had a genuine academic curiosity and acknowledge that maybe you just didn't word it correctly. Read the guidelines before doing anything, though!

  2. we dont know how you asked it, maybe it was your wording. I have answered several questions on the same subject... For a question and or answer to be deleted and or removed , means youve violated it some way , form or fashion...

  3. because Yahoo! won't allow questions like that.

    Like what, you ask?

    Well, read the TOS and the Community Guidelines, of course.

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