
Why does my sister do this?

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I'm 20 years old guy, and my 12 years old little sister likes to take me to sit on her lap, and she calls me her little baby. I often try to leave, but she's quite a lot taller and stronger than me, so she can keep me sitting on her lap, even if I try to get out. It's very humiliating to me, but she seems to like it.




  1. well its nice to be loved by some one

    but talk to our parents about her behavior

    12 years is not that small

    may be she's very possesive sort of girl


    all i can say is either talk to her why does she do so

    or consult our elders or parents

    good luck!

  2. heh super cute

  3. One I have to say that is pretty funny. HA! But I understand having younger siblings that are taller and stronger. 3 of my younger siblings are stronger and one is taller. They are 16, 17, and 24, however the 17 year old has been taller and stronger since she was 13. The other thing is it is kind of cute. She just really loves you! Some people are more touchy feely than others; you know like they hug all the time. She obviously is one of those people. You however, probably are not, and have a hard time dealing with touchy feely kind of people. Just talk to her about. Most touchy feely kind of people don't realize they are invading your personal space and will back down if you express discomfort. If that doesn't work she is probably just too immature to care, I mean she is 12. You may be stuck dealing withit for a few years.

  4. hahahahahahahahahahahaa

  5. LOL

    Thats funny!

  6. strange....

    Tell her to leave u and that u don't really like to do this and stuff...

  7. haha

    tell her you dont liek it

    (i rekon thats cute though)

    answer mine?;...

  8. ur 20 year old guy getting punk by a 12 year old girl lmao

  9. A loving sister

  10. um, did you just admit that you're 12 year old sister is stronger than you to the viewing public? yikes...

    don't let her sit on your lap to begin with. that doesn't seem like very natural, normal behavior for a 12 year old. she's not 4. ask her if she'd like a hug instead, and leave it at that. but the lap sitting should probably end.

  11. Because you're so cute with your gray silhouette.

  12. Wow, she just loves you!!

  13. Haha, that's cute. She just likes to have someone to play with. Just be nice and play along.. It's just something you'll have to laugh about when you're older.. Man, I wish I had an older brother..

  14. how come she is taller and stronger than you and your are grownup


    think this is a joke

  15. that is just how some sisters are. they just like too embarrse there brother.

  16. That is really cute and I am not ashamed to say it.


    I guess you could just try to get out of it but don't hurt her feelings.

  17. Your 12 year old sister is taller and stronger than you?

  18. well she dont have anyone els to play wit and she loves u! and i know how u feel! my little bro makes me get on the ground and play hores wit him even when my friends are ova. get her a baby doll maybe?

    or just sit her down and talk say listen i know u like me to sit on your lap and play with you but you getting a little to old to play with me .

    but if she starts crying i guess u will have to live with it.

               i really hope i help. c u later

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