
Why does nobody here use Google?

by  |  earlier

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The last 10 questions I have answered could have been avoided if people would just USE GOOGLE.

Please people - its way better than asking complete strangers..!!

Anything related to Photoshop will be covered - there are sirtes with full FREE video tutorials etc.

Please search first!!




  1. cuz they are stupid

  2. because this has a points system and google doesn't

  3. Sometimes it's easier just asking the questions, to real people so they won't have to search for it. Sometimes searching for things can be very difficult, I kno thats happened to me before. Also by asking questions on yahooanswers you're getting many different answers and opinions. And maybe they just like this better. Some people might say, why spend your time searching for answers on google when you can just use yahooanswers! So people should just be able to use whatever search engine they want to use to find their information. Who cares how they get it?

  4. cause this is FUNner


  5. Because we are lazy and stupid

  6. i think people ask on yahoo answers to get a bunch of opinions. ^_^

    i ask on here because i like to talk to people and have conversations :)

  7. I agree! But this is more fun and entertaining! Bye x

  8. Couldn't you have Googled that?

  9. Google is a search engine and will certainly have answers to many of the questions asked here.

    Yahoo answers is a social networking community and serves an entirely different need for those who use it.

    People who ask questions here are looking for more than just an answer to their question from a computer. they are looking for interaction, approval, attention and acceptance from others.

  10. some people are just too lazy or they just like yahoo answers better than google...

  11. Tell me about it

  12. I agree and I do use google.  

  13. this is very fun

  14. Y/A is supposed to be a place to research answers to a variety of questions.  Google and Yahoo both have  search engines(spell check is telling me I misspelled Google) Maybe Yahoo should fix that! )HA!HA!  But sometimes it is good to be able to go to an actual person or several people and get a consensus. And maybe even make few friends or find a mentor.  

  15. haha

    i wonder that too i always look stuff up on google

    it takes a second

  16. Google Earth

    Spy in the sky  

    Google search spying on yah.

  17. Well if it bothers you, why read them? What do you care if somebody uses Google or not? Oh wait--you own stock in Google. I get it.  

  18. sometimes ppl need a more direct source of info

  19. i type questions into google and if they don't come up i use this. i'm sure alot of people do the same thing. and i will ask this too if i want to see what other peoples opinions are because a website usually only have one persons opinion compraed to YA which can have many.

  20. get out of YA. no one here wants YOUR kind on this site!

  21. cuz this website is way better  

  22. cuz some people like to talk to....other people?  it's a social thing.  duh...

  23. They know about Google, they are just to lazy

  24. I do for like pics and news. but i like yahoo answers. But google is better XD

  25. um you're asking complete strangers too about why people don't use Google. However, there ARE people using it. Just not everyone is there to say it

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