
Why does sperm taste salty??

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i heard that it was 80% sugar




  1. Because the tastebuds for sweetness are on the tip of the tongue, not the back of the throat...

    Just playing...

    It all depends on the guy's diet. Here is a website with some tips on changing the "flavor"...

  2. Make him eat some kiwi.

  3. "Sperm taste is affected by what you eat, as are all secretions from the body.

    It is a fact that your sperms taste can be improved and making your s***n taste better, can be done with a few simple diet changes.

    Diet has a major influence on sperm taste as it’s a secretion from the body like any other.

    Just as your sweat can smell strongly after eating a heavily spiced meal your sperm will also reflect the spices in its taste.

    The Make up of Sperm:

    s***n is made up of ninety percent (90%) seminal fluids including fructose (sugar) protein, and various trace minerals and nutrients.

    The pH of s***n is 7 and scientifically neutral, yet it tastes slightly acidic. Let's take a look at the actual ingredients of s***n.

    A man’s ejaculate is actually only 1% sperm. The rest is composed of various proteins, vitamins, sugars, salts, cholesterol, and water. All the extras are what protect, feeds, fuels the sperm in its journey. As you can see in terms of semen’s composition, it’s fairly obvious that what you eat will make it taste better or worse!

    Getting a Sweeter Taste

    With sperm taste, the aim is often to make it taste sweeter.

    All men have a s***n taste that is exclusive to them, but the major complaint on sperm taste is normally always the same:

    It tastes bitter or salty; let’s look at how to make s***n taste sweeter... "

    To read the rest of the article, click on the source. :)

  4. Sure sperm contains sodium chloride.

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