
Why does this happen to me?

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for some reason my life was going extremely well, i got everything i wanted out of life. then randomly my life took a turn for the worst. everything is just falling apart and its been like this for almost a year. why cant things just get better? why does this always happen to me? i dont think im a bad person. does anyone else every felt like this? does this get better?




  1. Dont worry about it!! When things get bad they cant get any worse right?? Im sure that your bad times are over and you will be very happy from after today!! After all its 8-08-08 right? Just be happy!!

  2. Without struggle, we are not challenged, and we cannot improve. Without experiences to test our endurance, our limits will stagnate, rather than expand. Strive through these times!

    Peace is born to your victory.

  3. Two words:


  4. don't feel sorry for your self step back and look at whats going on  and try to fix it ask question to a friend or your parents they might be able to help u work it out

  5. What does this have to do with astronomy?

    Or is the miss-filing of your question a demonstration that everything is going wrong?

  6. I know what you mean.  But for life you get better you just have to keep your head up and expect good things.  You are not alone.

  7. Sometimes you need struggle in your life. Of course everyone would rather do without but hard times but those hard times help you grow, help you learn. I’ve been there, plenty of times. At the time I was going through it, it sucked. Tremendously. But I wouldn’t change a thing. Those hard times are what made me who I am today. I mean who ever learned by walking on easy street? When everything is perfect you enjoy it. When life is getting you down you, learn from it. When it gets too much to handle, get on your knees & ask for the strength to get through it. It will all turn out ok, you’ll see.

  8. I think that I've found the root of your problem. You've been looking for guidance on YA!, and in the wrong categories to boot.

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