
Why don't I have dreams?

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I think dreams are cool and it's fun to analyze them and see the truth behind things, but for the last couple of years, I either haven't been having any dreams, or I just don't seem to be remembering them. I know it's a weird question, but are there any ways for me to dream more?




  1. watch a very scary movie then you will probably dream. lol i am pretty sure that will help.

  2. Hello.  Some people, like people with sleep apnea, don't enter the deepest state of sleep called REM (rapid eye movement) which is when you dream.  Other medical conditions could cause this as well. If you are a light sleeper or something of that nature it could be affecting your dreaming.  Good luck !  I hope you start dreaming!

  3. If you want dreams, here is my experience, try watching horror movies or action pack that will make you anxious. Then, will have all kinds of weird and exciting dreams. Well, it works, for me.

    I also have difficulty in sleeping, but I would like to ask,"do you like to listen to music?". If yes, try listen to music that you like or those which bore you.

    If this still does not work, stress yourself out by working out your body at least 30 minute per DAY.

  4. You dream every night, it's been proven. Some you remember, others you don't.

  5. You probably forgot what you dreamed about. It happens to me a lot.

  6. Hello hun

    Nope it's perfectly natural to go through a "dry spell" I have bene going through one on and off for the last 4 years since I began to really develop my gift as a dream interpreter.

    Could be that you live a stressful life (job etc...) and your mind is racing when you go to bed which will block you from remembering dreams (cause we ALL dream, it's just a case of remembering them)

    There isn't a whole lot you can do except ride it out but try keeping a journal and pen by your bed htat way before you go to bed jot down what's on your mind and solutions to anything tha'ts bugging you.

    then practice clearning your mind completely, Then when you wake up don't move to fast lie back and take deep breaths try and remember something of your dream if you can jot it down. Sometimes you'll end up getting hte whole dream to come back sometimes not but even a few key things can be a start.

    Keep doing that for a few weeks and hopefuly that will help, clearning the mind before bed and not jumping right out of bed in the morning but lying back and relaxing is a good start to trying and recalling dreams.

    but don't feel bad if you think it's not working we all have "dry spells"

    Take care

    S (Dream Expert)

  7. um,, eat a lot of sugar before u sleep. like ice cream or something. thats suppossed to help u dream.  i don't think its bad, necessarily, that u don't dream though. also, u may be dreaming but don't remember if u dreamed or not, that happens to me a lot i think...

  8. You dream every night.  You only remember your dreams when your in a "deep sleep".


    I dont think dream catchers work.

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