
Why dont they believe me? Help!?

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So I asked this question(The account I posted it on, wont let me log in);_ylt=AhrNQ8REYB5frDyp1AJ76uojzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20080827195102AAm87Wz

So I told my mom(My parents are going through a divorce. So my dad hasnt been around. But I know if he was he would believe me) and my sister. But they dont believe me. I dont know what to do, how could they not believe me?! When my sister heard about it she said I was just looking for attention. Help? I dont know what to do right now, I'm still really freaked out by it. Especially becuase there obviously wasnt any sort of protection? What can i do?




  1. Call the police right now. Don't bathe. Don't change your underwear. They might need to collect evidence. Call them before this guy really hurts you.

  2. Tell the police RIGHT away. The more you wait the less evidence they will have. GO CALL NOW.

  3. Talk to your school counselor, they have to believe you. Something horrible happened to you. Tell your friends parents any trusted adult. You can even tell your teachers. I'm really sorry for what you've gone through, but you need to report him, if it was recently, you could go to the hospital and tell them you were raped and they can get his DNA and persecute. Tell someone, that's all I have to say.  

  4. first of all, I FEEL REALLY BAD FOR YOU :((((((((((

    tell them:" if you dont listen to me, i'm gonna call the policee and report him!"

    do ANYTHING to make them believe you....


  5. Call the police. They will talk to your parents and that sick stupid retarded guy will go to jail. That is rape, and I'm sorry you have to go through this :(......Tell your dad! Call him! Tell him this is an emergancy and you nedd help now... I will pray for you but please try! that sick disgustiing evil little ^!@&^!@%$&!$@# needs to go to jail

  6. Even if your family doesn't believe you the police will do a rape kit and investigate. If you call the police them your family will see you are serious. Its sad they don't believe you but don't let him get away with it. You are a young woman and should be respected. He violated your body and will do it to someone else. Report him to the authorities. Good luck to you and god bless

  7. i would call your dad if i were you and tell him about it, or even the police.

    since your mom and sister are being too selfish to understand how terrible this situation is

    that guy deserves to be in  jail. thats child molestation and thats just disgusting.

    im sorry that you had to go through that, and avoid going to your sister's house at all cost, or being alone with that monster.

  8. Tell the police. They'll listen to you, even if you're family doesn't.

  9. sorry about all this

    anyways, you need to go to the police station and tell them what happened, just be brave, you have to do this

    s***w your mom,

    oh and dont call 911, thats for life threatening situations, call the police station, look in the phone book yellow pages, it might be on the first page

  10. well if you're telling the truth, then go to either your doctors and tell them you were raped or go to planned parenthood and tell them, they'll wait with you and call the police. they'll probably want to exam you.

    but some ppl do lie about these things, not saying you are, but its not good to lie about serious things. so if you're telling the truth and no one believes you then go to a police station or a hospital. or even if you talk to your school counciler, they are obligated to listen to you and get the right people involved. and that fact that your family doesnt listen, thats neglect. this  is serious and you need to tell someone right away.

  11. 911 and im really sorry but ya gotta do it before it happens again an u get pregnent  

  12. look sweetie call the police trust me they will believe you and go to a hospital and get a rape kit well i don't know when the trauma happened if there still time to get a kit and show your mom and sis the results and then tell the cops they will believe more than anybody and in jail he will get whats coming to him underage rapers are raped constantly in jail.

  13. Call the police and report it!

    If you can get a hold of your dad in any way (phone, email) TELL him too! Tell your teacher, tell your friends, tell your friends' parents, tell your doctor, tell your neighbor.

    Just keep telling EVERYONE until someone helps you.

    Your mom and your sister don't want to believe it. They are in denial.

    This WILL KEEP HAPPENING unless you tell everyone. You have to scare this guy into stopping what he is doing. It will just get worse if he thinks he can get away with it. Stay away from him, and don't EVER go back to your sister's house.

  14. Tell the police.Also stay away from your sister's house.Tell your mom she is evil and talk to your Dad about it.Go live with him.Tell your sister she is in denial about her creep rapist b/f, and if a guy would do her and not marry her, he would rape someone he is trash.

  15. CALL 911!!!

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