
Why hurtin during s*x??

by Guest60808  |  earlier

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ok so here it goes....i find that when i have s*x with my bf...mostly if im on top...when i get feels like he is pushing on my bladder or something..? sometimes hurts when were in other positions and he goes to there a way to prevent that...or is something wrong.?..thanks




  1. If you’re experiencing pain during or after s*x there may be several factors that are contributing to the pain you feel. For women there are a number of physical conditions that may make s*x hurt, including:

    * Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

    * Endometriosis

    * Ovarian cysts

    * Interstitial cystitis

    * Vaginismus

    * Vulvodynia

    * Some sexually transmitted diseases

    * Urinary infections

    * Yeast infections

    * Vaginal dryness

    * Physical injury and chronic pain

    I would recommend that if you experience pain during or after s*x that you consult with your doctor/gynaecologist for further evaluation and to rule out any serious causes.

    Good luck :)

  2. People experience pain during s*x for many reasons. Figuring out why people feel pain during s*x can actually be very complicated to answer for a number of reasons:

    The most important thing to know is that s*x doesn't’t have to hurt. Making s*x comfortable may require creativity and patience, but most people can find a way to enjoy s*x without pain.

    When s*x hurts it is often the result of a combination of factors, including physical and psychological ones. Something may happen in your body that hurts during s*x, and then in the future you may anticipate the pain, which can amplify the experience next time.

    Figuring out why s*x is painful, and what to do about it, is a bit like solving a mystery (albeit a painful mystery, and one where you don’t get to have s*x). You’ll want to consider both the physical and psychological causes of pain during s*x.

    Once you’ve explored the possible reasons for pain during s*x, you may want to explore something for eliminating or reducing pain during s*x.

  3. I have experienced that as well, I think it just depends on your body and your boyfriends um..body as well. You can try to not go so deep while having s*x, or when you feel pain try to adjust your body, it hurts when your cervix gets hit.

    I think it is normal, someone else said something about chlamydia and that will cause pain during s*x, so you might want to check into that, however I think it is just the way your body is.

    Good luck!  

  4. Maybe because you're not supposed to be having s*x yet?

  5. That may be due to his p***s being deep and hitting you cervix it can be tough for you to minimize the pain while your on top so my only suggestion for that is to make sure that your well stimulated and lubricated. But you can minimize the pain in different positions when your back is facing him by not keeping your legs open wide but instead trying to keep them closed to help prevent him from going so deep that he's hitting the cervix.

  6. sounds like you have PID pelvic inflamatory's curable with anitbiotics but you have to go to the dr asap to avoid anything else happening. Go get checked out...or call a local family  planning office for help

  7. talk to your doctor..  It isn't suppose to hurt when having intercourse. good luck.

  8. you might have chlamydia you should go to the doctor

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