
Why is Hillary being so stubborn?

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Why is Hillary being so stubborn?




  1. She has a right and so do her supporters as there is NO nominee yet!

  2. Because she doesn't succumb to bullies?

    I like her more for that.

  3. It's Democracy in action, deal with it.

  4. She is more determined than ever to come out victorious as the Democratic nominee in this Presidential election, and she is going to persevere, persevere, persevere. I admire and applaud her desire to keep going despite advice to quit.  It shows a "never say die" attitude, and women should take this as a role model quality.

  5. Megalomania?

  6. because it ain't over.. it just looks over...

    neither side can win without superdelegates...

    Obama needs 400 delegates to win without them..

    and there aren't enough primaries for him to pick up that many delegates..

    so we show up at the convention.. with Obama having more pledged delegates and Hill running a distant second...

    hill then uses her rather sizeable political machine to swing enough super delegates to tie the first round.. sh makes it clear to them.. you do NOT have to vote for me if i am going to win... you vote for whoever you need to .. to get past the first round of voting..

    once THAT happens.. and i fully expect it to.. ALL of the delegates from ALL states are free to vote however they want to.

    no one is pledged it is a brand NEW ball game.. and anyone can win.

  7. Cause she is an agnostic and a liberal.

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