
Why is Israel training Colombian paramilitaries ?

by Guest34233  |  earlier

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Here is Reuters news: "Russia to extradite Israeli wanted by Colombia "

"Russia will extradite a former Israeli army officer to Colombia where he has been convicted of training paramilitaries, a Moscow city court spokeswoman said on Wednesday

"Israel's Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni had lobbied her Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov two months ago for Klein to be transferred to his homeland instead of being extradited, the Jerusalem Post reported on its Web site."




  1. Its not Israel, its an israeli individual. Nice try Hitler.

    Israel is trying to have the guy deported to Isreal to face charges there. Not exactly "saving" him.

    A reuters story, why doesnt that surprise me. Reuters is notably biased against america and Israel, even to the point of "photoshoping" photograps or taking pictures of people playing dead for the cameras.

  2. There are drug dealers and gun runners who are only interested in money. They come from all walks of life, race, and nationality.

    He has been caught, now he will pay the price.

  3. Howdy, I'll just answer this and ignore the controversies. The things is that these Israelies are/ were mercenaries, and quite a while ago these guys were hired to train illegal right-wing (and I'll guess also left-wing) groups/ terrorists. Since, they're mercenaries they don't care about ideologies and are just for the money. The public knew about this a while ago too (like 1998), but you know how the legal system goes.

    So, yeah, just money.

  4. jewish are evil

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