
Why is LCD better than Plasma?

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I am going to buy a tv and can see that LCD's are far more expensive.. Why is that, and which would be better to buy?




  1. There are many reasons why LCD is better than plasma, first, plasma only lasts for 5 years, while LCD will only reach half brightness, but still work, the picture is better on an LCD, and on a plasma, the image may look good from a distance, but if you look up close, the picture is grainy, LCD looks clear from any distance, also, plasma screens get hot when running, while LCD screens don't even get warm

    Some people think that plasmas are better, being they can take more abuse than LCD can (LCDs can get stuck and dead pixels, and they don't do well with pressure being applied, plasmas can take the pressure, and doesn't get dead pixels), but on the other hand has less image quality, the image is darker, and dosen't display vibrant colors

    During the time I was typing this, my stepfather and I were watching the olympics in HD on an LCD HDTV in the game room, and he said that it looked better than the plasma he had in the living room

    I just went to the site that Rebecca C posted, it is a site for the Panasonic VERA, the funny thing that is the exact brand of the plasma that my stepfather has in the living room, the one that he said had less video quality, like i'd believe anything on that site

  2. I've heard that plasmas aren't good in rooms that have a lot of light, apparently they can look darker. So I guess if it's going into like a theatre room where it's quite dark then they would be best. When I was looking for a tv I got so confused with the whole LCD v. plasma debate, everyone will tell you something different. People were saying that LCDs are no good because you can't see the picture properly unless you're sitting right in front of it (false) and that if you're watching sport or anything fast moving it's no good (also false as long as the picture has a decent picture refresh rate). In the end I went to the shop and bought the one that had the best picture, which was an LCD. It's been a good decision, very happy with it.

  3. LCDs in general are more expensive because they are more expensive to manufacture than a plasma.

    As for which one is "better," it truly depends on what application you're using it for.

    LCDs are a more versatile TV, use less energy than a plasma, and have a lower glare than a plasma (LCDs have a matte finish on the screen while plasmas have glass). LCDs are better for a brighter area, and aren't subject to burn in as bad as a plasma is. They also have a brighter screen.

    If you're a hardcore sports fanatic, a plasma is a good choice TV. Plasmas in theory, have a more defined and crisp picture than an LCD, and are better for lower lit areas because they can generally display darker blacks. Plasma's lifespan is about 12 to 16 years (assuming its one 5 hours a day) while an LCD is 14-20. Plasmas on average are roughly $200 more expensive to repair than an LCD.

    Hope this helped!

  4. plasmas chew up energy more... bad for ur wallet and the environment!!

    plus ive herd that plasmas dont hav as quality screens and that LCD hav better quality screens

    however you will hear that the black on an LCD is not as good we hav one its fine!!

  5. cause there better

  6. I find LCD has a better 'Brighter' Picture -  just look at them side by side

    LCD has longer life

    LCD uses less energy

    LCD is lighter in weight

    I beleive LCD is less likely to be effected by images burnt into the screen if they are left there for long periods eg the life meter on a video game

  7. They aren't, go to and you will see that plasmas are way better in every way.

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