
Why is LIFE so beautifully chaotic?

by  |  earlier

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Any thoughts?




  1. besause that's how we make it out to be.

  2. Because of all the flitting atoms arising from the bubbling quantum field.

  3. That's the most awesome thing about it.

    Chaos is harmony is chaos is harmony ...

  4. I like to think that chaos if a word we have invented for a logic that is not understood.

    Indeed I see the full established order as immobility and death.

    Life goes on as an active exception.

  5. more like chaotically beautiful.. Because everything has its ups and downs, its a battle between good and evil dont ya know!!

  6. It is not always, "beautifully" chaotic. Chaos is very rarely a wonderful thing.

  7. In most chaos, it is through energy that order is imposed, as in the second principle of thermodynamics. If it is so, it is so because the energy has been imposed upon the chaos to make it so.

  8. It's not beautifully chaotic in my mind and isn't reality in your mind?

  9. To help us learn life's lessons.

  10. within chaios comes order ..... its a systematic chaios ... a masterpeace !!!!!

    true masterpeace !

    may the joy be with you !

    Gods bless ...

  11. keeps YOU asking WHY...

  12. i guess thats what makes it interesting

  13. u have a beautiful way of looking at things

    i believe it depends on the person and their perception

    u have a very good perception and thats why the chaos is so beautiful to u


    i hope this made sense

  14. Because God's been getting laid lately.

  15. chaos being beautiful ? Now thats twisted !

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