
Why is LSD illegal ?

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I mean LSD is not addictive and does not create a physical dependence.

I know it may be harmful for our health, but many other "unhealthy" products are free on the market. (such as cigarettes, alcohol ...)

Also, i recognize it can affect the user mentally, and affect his personality temporary, but alcohol does this, too.

So, why not LEGALIZE it ?




  1. There are lots of things that are legislated that we must do or must not do, and unfortunately it's becasue many people won't do right unless made to do so.  Seat belts in cars, drinking and driving, etc.  I think mild drugs such as pot could be leglaized, not such a big deal, but more serious hallucigenic drigs such as LSD, or heavy durgs like crack, crystal meth, etc should stay illegal.  I work in a welfare office and it's incredibly sad to see what those drugs do to people.  I've had clients who were a little down on their luck, but basically healthy and productive individuals get involved in crack or meth  become completely out of it, and into a life of crime and extremely poor health wihtin months of getting involved in some of those drugs.  Some are extremely addictive and users just can't quit.  The body starts to require more and more of the drug to get the same level of effect from the drug.  So of course it costs more and more and eventually the addicted peron will do whatever they have to do to get the drug.  I've seen girls turn to prostitution or theft, I've seen guys turn to burglary, purse snatching, theft, anything they can to get their hands on cash to keep their bodies satisfied, because that's waht happens.  It becomes a need.   So although early use of these drugs may seem harmless and therefore silly for the government to legislate, it really is a good thing.

  2. because it can cause permant hallusinations. it's very harmful

  3. Why? Because it causes bodily sensations and makes people go into an altered state of consciounessness, and some people don't like that. And, that's about it.

    Our culture was built by these Christian ninny's called Puritans and they believed that if you derived bodily pleasure from anything, that if it wasn't from God, it was certainly wicked and straight from the Devil. (Consider this, these were the kind of people who literally had s*x with their clothes still on and refused to use sugar or spice!)

    Truth about LSD:

    No physical harm.

    No chemical dependencies.

    No addictions.

    No panic attacks.

    No schizophrenias.

    No permanent hallucinations.

    Those are all myths that have been disproven about LSD. The drug has ZERO proven side-effects.

    Like marijuana, this is one drug that shouldn't have been made illegal, but beer & alcohol companies have an interest in making sure it is so. I mean, if a drug as great as LSD was made legal, it would destroy their trillion-dollar industry. In fact, it almost did back in the 60's and 70's.

    A similar thing is starting to happen to this relatively harmless psychoactive herbal drug called salvia divinorum, which is reported to have a LSD/marijuana combo sensation. Wikipedia has a great article on it:

    It's not illegal in most places yet, but leave it to your lawmakers to get busy when they find themselves with nothing to do.

  4. Because Americans don't stand up to protect our liberties.  Their OUR INDIVIDUAL bodies, we can put into them as we prefer, BUT, not under demmie/repubie control.

    Ask Ron Paul about this problem.  When he gives you his answer make sure to support him so he can support you with meaningful legislation.

    Rino M... If that ain't the truth!  You otta be up for best answer!!!

  5. Totally loving bobos answer. I'm totally for Ron Paul

    People need to wake up and realize how controlled our lives are by the government! Why don't people get ANGRY? Why should they have any right to deny us from taking lsd?

    oh and it does not cause permanent hallucinations!

  6. I don't know.  I'm extremely pro-legalization.  Who are you to tell me what I can and can't put into my own body in the privacy of my own home!  It would still be illegal to be intoxicated at work, or while driving, or even walking around in public.  Or being underage and doing it.  So our governments could still make lots of money "busting" people for doing it, and our non-violent offenders could not be crowding up our jails, while child molesters get out on parole.  Our values are so screwed up in this country!  I think buying or selling LSD should be legal, but molesting a child should be punishable by death.

  7. LSD doesn't need to be addictive.

    One hit and you get flashbacks for free, sometimes a lifetime supply.

    It's a dangerous drug and should remain illegal.

  8. LSD is a seriously powerful drug, capable of producing intense, truly psychotic symptoms over a period of several hours.

    It is not comparable to alcohol, or any legal drug.  Or marijuana or cocaine for that matter.

    I might agree it shouldn't be criminalized to the extent that it is, but it isn't something you'd want marketed to the general public in the way cigarettes and alcohol are.  Or the way marijuana and cocaine could be without creating a lot of undue hazards.

  9. By legalizing drugs, a fantastibillion dollar illicit business would collapse istantly.

    No, they want their money in their pockets.
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