
Why is Obama better than Hillary?

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In my opinion, Obama has a much more calming demeanor. I don't doubt that Hillary has assets and experience, but at this time doesn't America need a "face", a better brand to recover its reputation. Every time that I see Hillary, she is irate about this or that. That's great, but shouldn't she spend more time on the future instead of the past. I don't doubt that she truly cares about the country (but I can't help but feel that she really cares about the point of arrogance). I like Obama because he displays EXTREME confidence without arrogance. I don't think that we need another dynasty either. Time for a new beginning. Finally (I could go on and on) Obama may have the ability to cross over religions, races and cultures. He is interracial, has a muslim Dad, a Christian mom, and has lived over seas. He is a Christian though and attends a church with his family.

Agree or disagree?




  1. agreed he is more likely to improve someones live in america then hillary.  hes probably experienced more as well and know how to change so I think he will bring the change america needs.

    Its not really who they are but what they can do and I think the world isn't gonna be happening with Hillary as president. They love obama more you have to amit that.

    I bet there are mostly women gonna give me a thumbs down because women love hillary women want a women president lol

  2. This is not a question of who is better - it is a question of who is worse.

    Neither of them have anything in their background that could be considered as qualifications for the job.

  3. I think Obama is the wiser choice for president... hes not a crazy left wing nut like Hillary. More balanced and centered... and doesn't as many socialist programs... He also has the face that the world can relate with and that will be helpful with foreign relations. Unfortunetly I was dissapointed in this years republican party... McCain or Huckabee look decent... but Mitt Romneys a nut...I like the economic views of Ron Paul but dissagree with his foreign policies...and some of his veiws on drugs and what not..

    Thats my 2 cents.

  4. Maybe it's time for a change.

    The USA will get a black and a woman President yet.  After all, Kennedy was the first Catholic.  Maybe they will have a black woman President someday.

    We're in a world of changes.

  5. Your questions is Why is Obama better than Hillary and my answer is, he is not.

    He doesn't represent real change, since he will still be a male President.

    He is also a recovery alcoholic just like Bush so what change is that?

  6. Obama isnt better than hillary, he has little experience compared to hillary's, his policy are not as good as hillary's.

    Hillary To Win

    Vote Hillary 2008

  7. He isn't Hillary, so he has to be better.

  8. That is like asking better; the plague or tuberculosis.

  9. Well, I'm not American but I do agree with you. I was quite disappointed that when Hillary won that round against Obama. A fresh face who, as you say, can reach across cultures and religions, is in my opinion just what the US needs right now.

    Hillary will probably make a good president but then again, may be not. Of all the candidates though, she is my second choice.

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