
Why is Poland so disgrace?

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Their political leadership consists mostly of religious zealots, dizzy communist and corrupt oligarchs. The current president said that g**s are second-class disease ridden citizens and his minister of education appealed to fire every g*y teacher from school. It borders with g*y-friendly countries like Germany and Czech Republics, but still there is high hostility toward g**s! Lots of people too religious in Poland. Even abroad. Amazingly on Comcast cable there is one evening Polonia program that emits Polish news and politics always involving Catholic Church. I am Polish, my parents are Polish and my mother forces me to go to church, otherwise she gets upsets, because she think its right! Recently Poland with Ireland blocked the new referendum, Lizbon Tractat, some legal document that would push forward legislations in EU, only because its too secular! Also most Poles are overly nationalistics. Even there is slogan, "Good because its polish". The only reason for being it "good". Any more comments?

Btw I have a friend who is American. He invited me once to a party but advised me to "be" Irish. I live in Chicago, where there's lots of Poles. Is that so bad, that they even have so bad opinion among Americans?




  1. Yes, it is true, poland is very disgrace, too many nationalism

  2. I find most eastern europeans to be selfish and inconsiderate, but a lot of polish are intolerant, and will be the first to share their nasty opinions about you.

    My boyfriends family is polish, and even they say they left poland because polish people are intolerant and gossipy. His mother is rude and puts me down all the time, however his grandmother id lovely, and one of the most generous people I have met.

  3. I don't know where you get the information from but is not right...

    Have you been to Poland in the last years? I mean not in a village with 5 houses but in a city like Warsaw, Krakow or Poznan?

    Who are the PL people you are talking about? Have they got ANY education?

    It's true we have had some bad politicians, but does it mean we are ALL bad? Are Americans so proud about their president? do they like the jokes the whole world is telling about him?

    Facts- some people are stupid some are not - its the same as in every other country.

    Facts - Poland is a catholic country and I don't think that is something we should be ashamed of.

    Facts - we did NOT block the Lisbon Treaty

    And "good because its Polish" was a slogan to "fight" the mentality of some people (in the early 90's) who believed everything produced abroad was better than Polish. This way lots of old Polish companies could sell their goods in the local market and win the competition.

    And btw I really think polish products (esp food) are much better then for example german ones.

    Jak maja nas szanować skoro sie sami nie szanujemy? jestes Polakiem a piszesz takie rzeczy o Polsce?

  4. I am g*y and had a guy from Poland stay over my apartment for free for about 5 days.  We chatted about his country and how they view homosexuality.  He was very open minded heterosexual go figure. :)  

  5. Sounds the America.

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