
Why is Russia attacking Georgia?

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Why is Russia attacking Georgia?




  1. Yeah, really Georgia attacked first. I wouldn't say that the Georgians are fully unright, they have a right to build their country. But they have no any right to kill citizens (also Georgians) and peacekeeping troops who were given the rights by the international community.  

  2. Dear friends! We are watching the Great Lie from Internet! The reality is that Saakashvili FIRST bombed Tskhinvali on the Day of the Olympian Games! Georgian soldiers SHOT Russian Peace-making armies, peaceful population FIRST and only AFTER this Russia moved army to prevent further destruction. Remember Kosovo, and the US position in that case!

    If you understand the reality, that means your have a free mind.

    P.S. Please, send this message to all your friends. Thank you!

  3. On Friday, Georgian forces shelled South Ossetian population centers and launched a ground invasion deep into the territory. By noon, news reports announced that they had immobilized much of the opposition and had taken control of South Ossetia's capital, Tskhinvali. The city came under attack by aircraft, artillery and armor, and South Ossetia officials claimed that more than 1,000 people had been killed.

    Russia's initial response was to convene an emergency session of the U.N. Security Council, hoping to pass a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire between Georgia and South Ossetia.

    The Security Council failed to agree on a resolution.

    President Dmitri Medvedev appeared on prime-time television to make a chilling call to arms: "I am obligated to defend the life and honor of Russian citizens, wherever they may be," he said. "We will not let those responsible for the death of our people go unpunished."  

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