
Why is Windows OS very expensive?

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Just wondering. If Bill Gates is already extremely rich, why not make the Windows OS about 1/2 or 1/10th the price it is. I mean, it would encourage people to buy the original package instead of fake ones. Plus, he does not need any more money...




  1. when the OS era starts the only OS which is very user friendly for the

    end users is windows so they got the marketing value growing like a giant mountain.... every product once got a market value cant be cheaper....  

  2. because bill gates loves his money

  3. There's three major reasons:

    1. Making an OS as complex as Windows is a huge production involving a lot of people working full time for years, and they need to be paid.

    2. p****y drives up prices (though it's probably exaggerated as to how much).

    3. Because they can. They almost have a monopoly going, and unless someone makes some open-source Linuxy OS that's better than Windows, they can charge whatever they want, and your new PC with Windows pre-installed will cost more because of it.

  4. the only thing expensive about your OS is the CD key

  5. 1, Bill gates doesnt single handledly make the operatinfg sysmtes, theres thousands of peopel wroking on Windows 7, and there not gonan tkae a pay cut cos Bill gates ( who doesnt even work there And they have a monopoly, whats your altenrative, you cna get a Mac, which is even more expensive, or you cna get Linux, which is free, with very little support, and requires hte slightly more tech minded.

    Yes making it cost less may make it sell more, but peopel will proabbaly still pirate it any way, mainly cos the main culprits for pirating are developing nations like Africa or China, where its jsut not reasonble to even expect them to pay £10 for it.

  6. Well, let's put it this way:

    Microsoft is a corporation and corporations are about making money.  If you owned a few blocks of Microsoft shares, would you be happy if the CEO decided to do things that would cut into profits?

    As far as p****y goes:  

    Unless the product is free, there will always be p****y, so there's no point in trying to combat it by lowering prices across the board.

    I remember in the 80's, there was a software company called Penguin Software which made Apple ][ games.  They tried to get more customers and discourage p****y by pricing their software below the average.  Unfortunately, people still pirated their software and obviously, they lost more money than they should have.

    Captain Computer ~

    Where do you get your information from?  Bill Gates never worked for Apple.  Microsoft developed a version of their BASIC language for Apple (Applesoft BASIC) for the Apple ][ series and Bill actually had the upper hand in the deal.  Apple had to license the BASIC from Microsoft.

  7. Bill Gates does not really care. He just wants the money.  He was born rich.  He knows that people really don't know about Technology so he tricks them into getting vista (which sucks) and then he makes more money.  You should see how bill left steve jobs (the founder of Apple. Bill use to work for Apple.  He did not like how steve jobs ran things so he left Apple and made Microsoft. All these OS that kind of sucks. All of them come up to make Vista though.  You know. You should get a mac. They are a lot of money but its worth it. Http:// if you don't want to spend all that money get the mac mini Http:// Its $600.00 Bucks You can beat that. The OS is $79 Bucks and it comes with over 500 things you can do with leopard. Now with Vista your paying at least 300.00 Bucks for the OS and getting NOTHING but internet browser and that's it. Go with mac. Or if you don't like mac go to Linux.Linux works great. Http:// Just get an HP or Dell Or any company's tower. Wipe the Hard drive and just boot up from an external hard drive with Linux on it. Or you can Put it on the hard drive. You chose. Email me if you have any questions. Linux is FREE. Open source. Visit the website. FireFox came from Linux if you use firefox.  I hope I answer your question!

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