
Why is austria seperated from germany?

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Why is austria seperated from germany?




  1. Because of the 1st World War.

    Germany & Austria weren't allowed to coalesce.

  2. A short overview:

    Austria was united with Germany until 1806, when Napoleon destroyed the "Holy Roman Empire" of Germany.

    When a German empire was restored in 1871, there was a discussion whether Austria should be included in the new empire, but Prussia dominated the new German empire and both were enemies at that time. So the second empire was founded without Austria. For dynastic reasons, Austria was already united with Hungary at the time.

    After the first World War, in 1918, both Austria and Germany lost parts of their land and Austria was separated from Hungary again.

    When Hitler came to power in Germany (being an Austrian himself), he united Germany and Austria by force. This was part of his overall plan for domination, he also subdued the Czech even before he started the second World War. All that was undone after WW II and Germany was divided itself.

    In 1990, Germany was reunited. But nobody seriously is discussing a unification of Germany with Austria today. Both countries are members of the European Union.


  3. Because it is a country of its own. I could also ask why Mexico is seperated from the US... Same effect.

  4. Different countries and cultures.

  5. Because Germany did not want to be known as the country where 'The Sound of Music' was filmed.

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