
Why is everyone mad about this?

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So, the chinese got their medals taken away because they won by cheating, right? The Americans are mad because the chinese cheated. But, I don't understand why the Chinese are mad because the Americans proved they cheated. If the Chinese had just followed the rules and used of-age gymnasts, then maybe they would have actually won, and we could get on with our lives. Both teams congratulated each other, but we can't do the same? I wish they would just get rid of the age limit. I believe that if a gymnast is good enough to be in the olympics, they should be. The Chinese had an advantage, because they had lightweight girls competing, and i just don't think that's right. If both teams had that advantage, then I believe that would even the playing field.

Well, I guess my question is, why are the chinese mad? If they cheated in the first place, then they brought this upon themselves.

So, what do you think about this whole ordeal, and WHY do you feel that way?

Btw, there is no way those girls were 16. They couldn't have been over atleast age 13 or 14. We know what 16 year olds look like, even from China, there's just no way.

Also, if you are just going to type "Go USA" or "Go China" then please just don't answer.

Thank you :)




  1. I believe they still have their medals because there is no hard proof that those girls are underage (though everyone knows they are).  When a whole country is willing to lie to cover up the age it's impossible to prove.

    As far as the age issue goes, I personally think it needs to stay.  It is there to protect the gymnasts.  Just look at how small those girls are that are of age and you can see what all that working out does to their bodies.  It's not healthy and if they lower the age they could potentially be stunting these girls for life.  My best was a level 8 competition gymnast (10 is Olympic) and she was so stunted.  After she quit she grew curves thankfully, but her damage has been done.  Bad knees, ankles, wrists, and back.  I can't imagine what those 12 year old Chinese gymnasts health problems are going to be once their government decides to throw them by the way side. Which will happen before London.

  2. Yeah - they shouldn't have an age limit - what are we afraid of - getting beaten by a child? Come on - some children have far more ability, discipline and hard working spirit than most adults and we tend to lose those things over time. Yes - let the children show us good character - they tend to have more of it than adults - who don't even know how to follow rules or change them when they should!

  3. GO USA!!!

  4. I don't think they got their medals taken away.

    I agree, the age limit should go, but they are trying to protect the gymnasts.

    And, you know, cheating is cheating and we'd be mad if the US did this too. It just isn't playing fair and gold means not only were you fair but you were phenomenal. The Chinese weren't.

  5. I dont think many people are actually mad about it except china cause they lost.

    Hope this helps!


  6. I think they still have their medals?

    But if you cheat, you should be disqualified. I know they're kids, and a big secret operation was most likely orchestrated by adults, but there are rules in place for a reason. Allowing under-aged kids to compete means you may as well give back all the medals to the people caught doping. China might be mad, but how can they expect to get away with that when there are a bunch of documents out there that could prove the girls are younger than 16?

    Everyone else is playing by the rules - they should too, no matter what the skill level of the athletes.  

  7. I don't think they had their medals taken away. I think China deserved them, and i agree with you about congratulating the other teams, they both performed great. I think they should take off the age limit too, but yeah, they are trying to protect the gymnasts. And you thinking that the girls weren't 16 is just an opinion. It's not about an advantage, it's about how well they compete, and China won the gold for team finals.  

  8. I don't know where you're hearing this.

    Firstly, the IOC hasn't stripped the girls of their medals, nor do they have any 'solid evidence' that the girls are underage.  A couple newspapers in the US picked up on a few media reports from China saying they're underage, but that's not solid, rock-hard proof.  In the other corner China has official passport documents.  Those override a two newspaper articles.

    The truth will come out, as it always does.  China has used underaged athletes before and it came out after the games.

    They're not going to strip the medals - the IOC rarely reverses decisions - only 2 medals ever stripped have been due to anything other than doping.  They haven't stripped underage athletes before.  Thems the breaks.

  9. Honestly, I don't care about the under-age. All losers care about is what advantage they have for being young (I only see one and that is the possibly of being more flexible) but being young and old have their advantages and disadvantages. Just because you're young, that does not guarantee a gold medal, you have to earn it. Anyone who watch the event can clearly tell, they were better than everyone, even us and that's a fact. I would prefer they let them keep their medals, but if they take it away, then whatever. I won't whine about the results.

  10. I think they still have their medals and even though i dont think they should be able to keep their medals if in fact they broke the rules in order to get them i still feel bad for the actual gymnasts.

    1st because if they really are 13 or 14 it means that an adult completely arranged it and influenced the child to play along.

    2nd its not the young girls faults that adults want to cheat to win all the gymnasts did was go out and work their a$$ off and so proud to have gold.

    3rd everyone is affected when such an unfortunate thing takes place. The chinese people, the government, the  actual competitors, and the other countries not JUST usa other countries also could have medalled higher  

  11. I don't think they got their medals taken away.

    I agree, the age limit should go, but they are trying to protect the gymnasts.

  12. They still have their medals in all their cheating glory.

    Take away the age limit and there would be no question of cheating, that's the way to do ti.

  13. it doesnt matter anymore. the USA by usa media standards is winning anyway... china has what 20 golds? and the USA is way, way ahead with 37 bronze medals so hurray for team USA!  

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