
Why is everyone so against?

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spanking your kids?

I don't have any, but when I was growing up I got spankings and I deserved every one of them.

I don't get why everyone is so against spankings.




  1. whats the point

    whats that prove to the kid, that if they dont behave up to your standards then they get beat?

    that could like mess up there mind

  2. Definately agree... some kids need to be spanked because its something that actually gets through to them (I was one of those kids). However, I think it should never be used as a first resort and I think once the kid hits middle school they're definately too old.

  3. i agree with you and also have been wondering the same thing

  4. I don't see anything wrong with spanking, I got spanked when I was a kid. I think it is fine as long as you don't take it too far.

  5. Everyone is so against spanking kids because the kids'll hate you and ignore you and probably run away. If there mature enough they are allowed to call the police and the police could consider it as child abbuse. And protective service coud get involved and you could lose custody of your children or your children could go to a foster home. And if your husband gets mad he may file for a divorce.

  6. spanking is not so bad...but not in front of's not good for the child to be seen spanked...self esteem things you know...

    but generally i am against

  7. because abusing ur childeren is terrible and there in no need for violence i kno i was hit when i was younger and i grew up worse because now i hate my father. just dont hurt ur kids

  8. It's not that I'm against it, I just think they deserve a different punishment.

  9. i get where your comming from.. our paretns came from a whole different generation where spanking was perfectly normal.. but of course times have changed.. my brothers and sisters got spanked.. and i am so glad we did.. ( of course they stopped as soon as we hit the teen or pre-teen years) but i am SO glad they did.. it got me thinking straight and to be respectful to my parents.. and honestly when i watch them t.v shows where the parents are scared of there own kid.. i would think to myself.. if yelling doesnt work.. just spank them couz seriously. kids are outta control these days.. some of them need more than a yell or a time out... so totally agreee with you!/ :]

  10. just hit me like a bad boy ;)

    its just the damned socialists.

  11. They don't think it's right to hit as punishment.

    Spanking actually isn't the ONLY thing that will make a kid behave. There's kids who were spanked and turned out bad, there's kids who weren't spanked and turned out good, and vice versa. I don't think it's bad in my opinion, it's just not the ONLY punishment that could be given.

  12. Because believe it or not spanking your child doesn't really help your child, I got spankings too and no I did not deserve everyone of them and it just made me angry at my parents, anyway moving on, most parents take too it far, there are other alternatives to teaching your child the wrong and write ways of doing things than spankings all the time. Peopl are just lazy and don't want to think of creative ways to disipline, so they just sad.

  13. Im not against them either

    I got spanked when i was a kid when i deserved it

    i turned out fine, and well behaved

    I think its not wrong as long as your not really hurting and abusing them

  14. i agree with you, sometimes kids NEED  to be spanked!

  15. I guess because there are other equally effective ways to punish your kids without "hitting" them and some parents do take it to far.

    But I was spanked too, and it worked.

  16. I think parents have a right to spank their kids... everyone turned out fine, and people have been getting spanked for years! Also, its their decsion how to raise their children, NOT the governments.

    Thank you!

  17. yeah i used to get my *** whooped

    im closer to my parents then anything

  18. well now people consider that abuse,

    and that doesn't really work anyways.

    i think that making kids stand in the corner works better

    and it doesn't take your breath away.

  19. I sort of agree; sometimes a spanking can help, especially when teaching kids about what is dangeous and can hurt them. But I think it's because spanking can become an excuse for child abuse.

  20. So many many people may feel that they're abusing their child, they want to be  there friend, they're scared to, some watch show that teach diffent way to diciplin without spanking. I believe people should get spaked and I just a kid.

  21. Society as a whole has really moved away from spanking being an acceptable form of punishment.  That said, I grew up in the 70's when spanking was not only doled out by my parents, but schools were allowed to do it as well.  As the receiver of plenty of spankings myself, I don't believe in spanking my own kids.  It's humiliating, it hurts and it's just not right.  I can't think of a time when my kids  ever got more than a swift swat on their back sides - an attention getter more than anything.  (Now they are too old for spankings - almost 8 yrs. and 11.5 yrs.)  There are more civilized forms of punishment for children.

  22. It is the popular position to take.  Spanking occassionally serves a purpose.  If more people spanked their kids we wouldn't have so many snotty, obnoxious, loud mouthed, spoiled little brats trying to run the world.

    Spanking is not the same as beating a child, contrary to popular sentiment.

  23. I don't believe in spankings as a first resort.

    more like last resort.

    That's mainly because my parents never realized that I respond well to just yelling at me.

    They still effin' spanked me. =/

    I'd never want that to happen to my own kids if I know I can discipline them with just yelling.

  24. the world is consistantly becoming a worse place....more and more people are starting to think "theres no need for spankings" or "spankings are wrong?" coincidence? i think not...

    i was spanked when i did something wrong, i grew up fine, my kids will be spanked when they do something wrong, they will grow up fine. end of story.

  25. me neither...people think it scars kids emotionally for life...yeah right

  26. because its too hard to decide between justified and unjustified spankings.

  27. Because, giving physical pain to you kid as a punishment, is not an answer.  Parents today need to learn parenting instead of spanking.  It's common sense.  Take away their 'luxuries,' like TV, computer, dessert, a toy, etc.  If they do something bad, they will get something taken away each time, something else bad, another thing, and they will learn not to do it.  

    If you spank your kid, most do turn up fine, when they reach adulthood.  But there are always some that see their parents spank them, and believe that physical pain is a way to get what they want, and some become more violent, than the kids who weren't spanked.  

    Bottom line is, just use common sense, and don't use violence to punish a child.

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