
Why is gas $ rising so fast?

by Guest56818  |  earlier

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Why is gas $ rising so fast?




  1. The Wall Street speculators and the value of the dollar,I don't believe supply and demand have anything to do with it.Do you remember the late 70's when they said oil supply was low,but in the mid 80's and 90's we had plenty of oil.

  2. Because someone is greasing their palms

  3. Because we buy it from Iran and all those middleeastern countries. But because we are warring with them, it is harder to buy gas, making it hence more expensive.

  4. bc the president is a terrorist in his own land

  5. value of the U.S. dollar is down

    developing countries China and India are using more

    there haven't been any major oil field finds since the 1970's

    we have reached the peak of oil

  6. 1,,,value of dollar is low...2.lack of new oil...Mexico and Norway & england [north sea] are cutting production as is venaswalia...3 demand up from china and the world uses about 90 million bbls a 10 years China alone will use 90 million a the math...the "greedy" oil companys have little affect on prices.

  7. the US has OIL....we just dont use it....

    i dont know why...

  8. The real answer is greed.  I was in Iraq last year and they pay .10 cents a gallon and we pay them for pumping oil under their land.  

    Need I say more!

    Gas is going higher because we are getting close to the tourist season.  It peaks as all the kids go on break so they can make more money.

    Their is no hidden reason or drawn out explanation to this answer.  Our president sucks and so do all the oil companies.  What pisses me off the most is we have had the technology for years for electric cars and it is not that people wont buy them it is the fact they don't make them or they are hard to find.  I am still not sold on how an electric motor is more then a gas powered engine.  

    The technology is their for us to be free of gas, have clean electricity and more but are major players in D.C. keep this from happening.

    WHAT THUMBS DOWN.... How else do you want this question answered.  You want some lame excuse on inflation, lack of oil in the world...  It is all c**p.......

  9. GREED! They have it, we want it, they charge what the market will bear. Sux, don't it!?

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