
Why is heart the love organ?

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people say i love you with all my heart why heart why not another organ. what made people choose the hear its not like it in reality has anything to do with love it just became a symble of love




  1. Cause its better than the liver.

  2. It is not the love organ - the brain is.

    In medieval times, the idea that emotions reside in the heart came about. Before medieval times, they thought emotions resided in the stomach, because that is where a lot of people feel excitement, danger or risk.

    Medieval times saw the beginning of a lot of talk and songs about love - there were troubadors (wandering minstrels) who went about the countryside singing about love and how it affected the heart. That's where it all started. The idea caught on, and beating hearts started to become associated with emotions instead of churning stomachs.

    At the end of the 1800s, science was more prevalent and theories in medicine and psychology started to take on the form we know and understand today. Studies on brain function, emotions and so on showed that the brain was where it all happens.

    Still, people have not changed to saying "I love you with all my brain," which may not be such a bad thing.

    I hope this helps.

  3. The fundamental reason that the heart is considered the organ of love is the total misunderstanding of human physiology when the incorrect association was coined.   After all, we have only known that blood circulates for less than five centuries, but the heart equals love has been around a lot longer.  It is now just poetic because most people understand that the heart just pumps blood, but the emotion of love is created by the brain.

  4. I guess love is something that comes from inside and the heart is the thing that responds most physically from the inside of us.

  5. ive thought about that!!

    funny when in reality emotions come from your brain..

    then again 'i love you with all my brain" doesnt really roll off the tounge now does it?  

  6. Because it's the center of life.

    It is your heart that pounds when you're in love

    It is your heart that's in pain when you're broken

    and most importantly it is your heart that keeps you alive

    if it's your brain/kidney/other organs died, you'll still be alive but not when your heart dies.

  7. Aristotle considered the heart to be the source of thought, reason and emotion, the Roman physician Galen considered the heart to be the seat of emotions etc. etc.

    This idea has passed through the ages. We now have greater understanding of the function of the heart (along with all of the other organs of the body) but this idea has remained.  

  8. good point. i think its because it keeps you alive

    -but more importantly-

    because when you are in love it feels like your heart is dancing. LOL

  9. because its the most energetic structure of the human organism... that is responsible for producing emotions of love.

  10. The only organ which is directly in touch with other ones by feeding them! Yeah it feeds all cells by blood. So any feeling can have a effect in all cells because heart wants. Just image if kidney was the responsible organ what happen!!!! Only a few parts of your body feel the love and fell in love :)      

  11. Because we can feel it pounding.

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