
Why is it always black people?

by  |  earlier

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I've been riding the bus to and from work for about 2 months. I'm noticing a trend. There always seems to be 2 or 3 black people that take up 2 seats and don't care if other people end up standing. They usually won't move unless you ask and then they make a face while they move.




  1. If they were white would their attitudes bother you less? I dunno why you asked this question in such an insulting way, but hey, to each his own bro.

  2. I think its a trend for every race, not just black people

  3. Apparently you haven't been to Germany. People do that here all the time on the buses, subways, and we all know that Germans are White. I really don't think it has to do with race, but a matter of people who have no manners, and those types come in all colors.

  4. i noticed that more white people do this than anything. they also put their bags and bike helmets in the walkway and sometimes bring pretty much their whole house on the bus. and then when someone like me sits next to them they look at me all crazy, like the metro bus is not public transportation.  

  5. i notice it too when i go on the bus they put their bag on ona seat and dont care but i notice black TEENS doing it not the adults i dont think its so much of a race thing i think its mroe of a rude adolescent thing

  6. their just rude plain and simple.


    i ment the black guys on the bus are rude not all blacks....i am black people! i dont even know why i try

  7. they are rude...I see that too...I look at them while in my seat like dang you are embarrass me...they will think all of us are like you! UGH

  8. oh pls i just had to ask a grumpy white woman to move her bag off the 2nd seat today. some people are just rude.

  9. Retribution!.... I'm rich b!(#h!

  10. That's just 90% of people on the east coast now down south its different.

    but its just fells weird to ask to sit with someone if its a woman your afraid or she maybe afraid your going to ask her for her number or she'll ask for yours or your hoping she will and if she's attractive it that weird vibe of attraction you want to say samething and your looking but not looking at the same time its a weird vibe when you put man and woman in a social settings and they have never met but if you've been riding that bus for sometime everyones comfortable and they'll offer you a sit if you need one its about comfort and personal space.

    and its just weird to sit next to a guy you don't know I'm sure most man will agree with that.

    but once you ask for a seat on the bus your never turn down though its just having  to break the ice.

    personal space and all........

  11. If you don't like it, then get a car. That way you won't have to put up with ANY races taking up seats in the vehicle you are in (or whatever little racist situations you are making up in your mind).


  12. Because a lot of them lack manners. Its not their race, but their upbringing, and it tends to be the ones in inner city areas (which mostly inhabit black people) that are like that. Combine that with just an overall lack of respect for anyone (even themselves) in general.

    I do know that white people tend to stand around and talk and they don't move out of people's way either no matter how many times you say "excuse me" they pretend they don't hear you.

    I guess blacks and whites are more alike than they are different huh?

    Edit: Italian huh? How typical of them, most Italians I know ARE racist, and believe me they may or may not be white but they sure act it and they sure seem to think white people are better than everyone else. I can't stand them...

  13. I know you also know this aint true.

  14. Maybe they don't know that you want to sit down. That's what asking is for.

  15. The trend is their style.It's their total way of life !

  16. I agree that those people were very rude, but it's not because they happen to be black.  I have noticed more rudeness in general these days from people of all races and ages.  The sense of entitlement some people have is maddening.

    And so what if these people you encountered made a face?  You have a right to sit down too.

    Every now and again, I'll see one person offer another their seat, and I think, "Hey, there is still hope..."    

  17. probably because back in the days they couldn't ride in front of the bus? payback is a *****?

  18. Where I'm from it's always Asian people.

    Maybe it varies or maybe your just paying them too much attention.

    edit: Bo0o0o Haha that was funny.

  19. why Generalize? the black race extends from one place to another am sure not all black people are like that and yeah there are stupid idiotic black people out there but i dont think you should stem it down to one race, its human nature to be selfish. full-stop.

  20. That's their culture.  Don't be a racist.  Their ancestors earned them the right to make faces at you.

  21. eh, I've encountered old white women who do the same things.

  22. It's funny that I've seen white people do that on the train also. Let me ask you, as the representative of ALL white people around the world, why do they do that?? Of course you can speak for every person and everyone does the same thing, right??? (sarcasm)

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