
Why is it hard? ?

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When we can think God exists without any cause, why is it hard to think that Universe can exist without any cause.




  1. You can say anything you want about gods--since not one of the many thousands that humans have believed in has ever felt the need to make his/her/its/their presence _known_ to us, we can say absolutely nothing with certainty about any of them.  So we can say, "my god is eternal and has always existed," or "my god hates g**s," or "my god has anger-management issues and demands worship and appeasement."  And since none of these statements can ever be proven (or disproven) about any particular god (they are fictional entities, of course), we can believe whatever we want about them.

    The universe, on the other hand, is real and tangible, and thus able to be investigated, learned about, and have theories about it tested.  The latest theories about the origins of the universe, such as string theory and inflationary theory, posit quite reasonable explanations for how the universe began that do not include supernatural entities.

    In short, our statements about the _natural_ world are constrained by reality, whereas statements about supernatural entities are nothing more than wide-open wild speculation and wishful thinking.

    P.S. to gary s:  no, science does NOT require faith the way religion does.  That's the great strength of science, and the great weakness of religion: science is testable and verifiable, whereas religious beliefs are not.  Science = knowledge, religion = beliefs.

    To cougar_372000:  the universe was quite arguably NOT made for us humans.  The overwhelmingly vast majority of it is utterly inhospitable to life.  We humans are only able to inhabit about a third of the outermost skin of a mote of dust circling one of 100 billion stars in our galaxy which itself is one of 100 billion (at least) galaxies.  Would not a universe tailor-made for us humans have been inhabitable everywhere?  And for that matter, also without any diseases or unnecessary suffering?

  2. science and religion ultimately ask you to  accept equally tough questions.  something from nothing, always something, infinity, nothing, everything, these words cannot be undrstood by man and any explanation requires the same ammount of "faith".

  3. well i wouldnt say hard i perfer the word to be tempting ok say they isnt a god or satan and life is like being a snowflake u r born by water that falls and forms snow then u land and melt back into water only to b absorbed by the sun to the clouds to do it all over again i hope this isnt confusing u but how do u know that god isnt the universe and vice versa

  4. Why is it hard??

    Well to put this into a nut shell compared to the vastness of His Creation, Gods own WORD He created us for His pleasure Wow in his own image ,Just think ,He knows are own Frame,The universe is so perfect and the earth so perfect the ocean stays in it own shore the earth axes is perfect with out shifting off some where unknown so God is Known by us and his creation. I hope this helps smell the flowers smile Thanks.

  5. many religious people to contend with...

  6. It wasn't hard for me...

  7. there is a cause and reason for everything. God exists just to be. the universe exists for life and exploration, probably something we will be able to do when time is irrelevant. it is also there for beauty and to guide and to tell stories. it is also there to measure God. if the universe is infinite and God is bigger than the universe by so much He can hold it in His hand, then God is that big.
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