
Why is logic so flipping complicated?

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Why is logic so flipping complicated?




  1. its not complicated, but logic is not what we seem to choose

    if we have a disecion to make or anything alike that.

    we normally thrive on our emotions, were most likely logic

    exists in small portions leaving us with loads of complications

    when it passes our mind.

  2. Logic is complicated because it's a system of thinking imposed by people who think in a different way to most of us, i.e. mathematicians, logicians, computer scientists, etc.

    We normal people find it hard because we don't think in that way. But since we outnumber them many times over, the world we've built is highly illogical. That means that we illogical people succeed better in it than logical people. Does that make sense, or am I being illogical?

  3. Logic is complicated only because while thinking you have to consider and eliminate many illogical possibilities.  

  4. It's not complicated. We're the ones that make it complicated!

  5. So the people who have can behave like there better than us so we strive to be like them and in return they appear superior. Simplicity is the only way. Eat drink sleep make love.

  6. Perhaps calculitic logic is hard. Deductive logic isn't so bad. It's kind of fun. After all, it has strict limits. 256 forms of syllogism; only 15 are valid; the rest are fallacies.

    You just have to learn the rules.

  7. logic is not complicated.  

  8. The     MIND...     makes  it  look  that wayy..

      the  HEART..   knows   much   BETTER!!!

  9. It is not.

    Live long and prosper.


  10. It's not...if you are logical.

  11. It's not if you think about logically.

  12. it's not

    it is either logical, or it is not

  13. logically,it isn't.technically,it is.

  14. because logic is unreasonable?

  15. Pure mathematical logic is straightforward in bite sized chunks. Scale it up a bit and you have the processor that runs your computer. That's a bit more complicated than an AND gate.

    In philosophical terms, the same process applies. Break down concepts into smaller, well constructed sentences and it's fine. It certainly gets more complicated the more inputs and (superficially) disparate ideas you take into account at one time.

    The biggest problem is that a number of 'philosophers' wear impenetrable prose as a badge of honour. All I do in such situations is ask more questions and take the mickey when it turns out that an apparently complicated concept can be described in a way that a ten year old can understand it.

  16. Because it consists of breaking the wold down into its simplest form possible so as to create observable rules about it. The world starts off very complicated, so to break it sown like that isn't easy. Very few things can be explained simply.

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