
Why is marijuana a endangerd plant?

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Why is marijuana a endangerd plant?




  1. It endangered human lives!

  2. it is not .. There's thousands in lofts all over the country ...

  3. please help me

  4. It's not endangered from oversmoking, it's from overzealous policemen and federal forces that send in the black helicopters whenever the satellites pick up a reading of a cannabis plant growing SOMEWHERE. They unroot these plants which were once more plentiful than dandylions, and either throw them in a bonfire or into the evidence "room", where they will eventually and regularly disappear.

    Well, I guess it IS from oversmoking. It's just the cops that are smoking it, not the rest of us.

    PS -

    Weeds' genetic survival is also hampered by unscrupulous industrial manufacturers in Mexico and Latin America, where there is little crossbreeding and hybridization - these growers are essentially committing DRUG INCEST by poorly breeding their strains, and shipping the refuse up north to be smoked by average joe cool. All the more reason to grow your own, and help this THREATENED yet HOLY life form to continue to exist.

  5. coz people smoke it, ya f***ing klaxonnn!

  6. cos all us tokers toke it

  7. that's "an endangered"

  8. That's why for environmental diversity lots of people are trying to cultivate this endangered plant..

    Think it's time for a government grant!

  9. because people keep burning it? anyhoo, i didnt think it was..

  10. because people are smoking faster than it can grow....there should be a limit!

  11. Like English Rose said there's no shortage, maybe where you live you can't get good stuff.

    And no there is no endangered pot plant; just do some reading about how Anslinger looked out over feilds of weed and wondered how could he find a way to make a feral plant illegal. He was the first drug czar back in the 1930's.

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