
Why is my baby rat twitching

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she keeps twitching awake and asleep she she is only about 5 and a half weeks old.




  1. dying or giving birth

  2. This might sound funny but perhaps your baby rat has turrets!!

  3. When my hamsters sleep they usually rock back and forth rather quickly, but it doesn't mean anything. I'm not sure about how your pet is twitching right now. Since she is just a tiny baby, she is probably scared about her new surroundings(if you just got her) or she may be cold. Make sure to put a blanket or a towel on top of her cage before you go to sleep or when you go somewhere. If this twitching really concerns you, you should contact a vet. Hope this helps, and I wish you the best with your furry friend!

  4. Maybe she's having a nightmare.

  5. LOL

  6. so nasty

  7. I have had a mouse with that problem. She was about 2 months old when we got her and we named her Twitch. I recently adopted her out to one of my friends who had had her eye on her for a while. I'd say keep an eye on the rat. It may be nothing. She may just be a little flighty. But it may be something. Cats and dogs twitch in their sleep when they're dreaming and we all know that is normal animal behavior for them. However, we are thoroughly convinced something is wrong with Twitch the mouse. She used to twitch, and then stop and scratch at her ear all the time, but she had no ear mites. We checked her all over. She lost way too much weight all of a sudden in a very short time which gave us a scare, and we successfully put some back on her by feeding her lots of peanut butter (high calories, not entirely unhealthy, and they like it.) One day my friend woke up and panicked because when she checked the cage Twitch the mouse was lying under the water bottle, soaking wet, and not moving. My friend took her out and warmed her up and dried her off, and a little while later she was moving again and acting like nothing ever happened. It only happened that once. So far Twitch is still happy and living, but I'm half convinced that it is possible that the mouse has epilepsy. A seizure is the only thing I can think of explaining her tremors, and her passing out and such. Doesn't sound unreasonlable to me. Why couldn't animals get some of the same defects as humans? Good luck with the baby rat. I hope it is okay.  

  8. This should be normal for your baby rat. Rats develop their reflexes by twitching a lot when they are's a developmental thing and you should not worry about it at all as long as the rat does not show other signs of illness such as red eye or nasal discharge, excessive sneezing, labored breathing, wheezing noises, lethargy, lack of apetite, and/or weight loss. If your rat is only twitching, she's completely healthy and normal. Hope this helped and goodluck!

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