
Why is my boss like that?

by  |  earlier

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My boss is so weird, he sometimes acts like he's too bossy and inconsiderate and makes fun of my work..and when he feels like I'm mad at him, he's all nice and laughs and acts like he was joking.

He's weird really and it drives me crazy when he's being sarcastic at my work.

He's a young boss not old but I believe he could act more maturely than that.

How can I make him stop making fun of me and my work. I believe it's his work too, and he should really respect that right?




  1. Your boss sound like loco!

    Get another job!

    Don't quit , look for another job until you hire then quit that job where your boss is nut!

    He is too young to be boss.

  2. He is a mean person and very immature. He thinks no end of himself. I think you should go to his office and complain politely to him about his behavior. If he doesn't change and keeps doing the same to you, you should talk about it with your coworkers, ask them if they have the same problem as you and, if so, try to find a solution altogether.

  3. We may have the same boss, but mine is female. You will not change him. I think mine may be moving, so I hope the same for you. There are a lot of bad bosses out there!  

  4. report him for sexual harrassment

  5. There are two possible answers. He either has a mental problem (which is possible, ever heard of bipolar), or he's simply an ******. You can either discuss it with him and let him know how you feel, respectfully of course. Talking to him will not hurt and it may help. You could leave it alone and try to ignore him and just accept what he does, most employees do this with their bosses.  Or go to someone higher like his boss. If' he's young like you say, there must be someone else you can report him to or talk about this to. If it is bothering you so bad that it's making you uncomfortable at work then that can be considered a type of harassment.  That is definitely a no-no in any job.  I think you should start by talking to him first and let him know how you feel. If he continues, go over his head.

    You shouldn't have to put up with this. How can you have a decent work environment if he's treating you like this? You start taking this from him, then it'll show him you'll take more and more. You gotta stand up and be firm or he'll run all over you. Then you will definitely have no respect from him. He is supposed to respect you as being his employee like you should respect him as being your boss.

    There could also be another reason he's acting like this...he might like you. Men tend to treat us horribly when they are in love, LOL. Just a thought, but could be. Does he treat everyone like this or just you? If it's just you then him liking you might be the reason. Either way he's being a jerk and very immature.

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