
Why is my gerbil so fat?

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why is my male gerbil so amazingly fat? my female is not.

(I asked for two female gerbils but my local pet store sold me a male and female a few months ago) they eat out of the same food dish. and it seems like in the morning the female is extremely fat also, but as the day goes by she looses most of her weight. i am so confused.




  1. maybe he likes to eat a;...


    I would check that the males and male and female is a female if it the other way are that you have pups on the way this site will help you to s*x them and what to do if they are pups on the way

  3. wow...wierd? he could just be hefty! LOL its nothing to worry about unless it gets really bad!

  4. the female could be pregnant or u r feeding them 2 much sunflower seeds. ur female might be eating a lot more sunflower seeds than ur male. if u give them a lot of sunflower seeds u should stop feeding them a lot. too much sunflower seeds make them fat other wise i dont know why ur gerbil would be fat hope this works.

  5. pregnant.

  6. your gerbils might be fat because youve given them too much food. if there is sunflowers.

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