
Why is my guinea pig balding?

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My guinea pig is sort of older. She has been balding for the past year but it is getting extremely worse lately. Is this normal for older guinea pigs? Thanks in advance!




  1. well thats not good i feel bad for you piggie.

    have a trip to a vet or do some research on google and find out before going to the vet.

    best of luck.

  2. IDK!But its sonds bad!When ever someone says"worse" than ofcourse it must be bad!1go to vet!!! vet! NOOOOOOW!

  3. Balding is not normal.

    Balding can be the result of mites, fungal skin infection, or hormonal issues. Older sows generally have the hormonal problems. All of these things I just mentioned can be cured or controlled through medication. It could also be ovarian or mammary cysts or tumors. You'll need to see a vet for proper diagnosis.

  4. here is a tough question.

    i have a sow guinea pig and she used to have a terrible itch, she would scratch and scratch and when she would be bald in that spot she would scratch her skin open :(

    we took her to the vet and found that she had mites.  it only took 2 treatments and she is better.

    that is what i think your piggie has.

    maybe it is the inviornment (try moving her around the house a bit, the air moisture might be affecting her)

    id think that when you took her to the vet that theyd find what it is.  is she balding all over? or in small spots?

    id think that the guinea pig's age would really matter about her balding considering that she is covered with fur unlike us.

    my best advice would be that you move her to another room.

    try it and find out!

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