
Why is my life so...empty?!?

by  |  earlier

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So, its friday night and I'm just laying here starring at my ceiling. I have no life at all. I have no hobbies or play any sports. I don't have many friends and the one's I do have, never seem to want to do anything.

I just sit around every day with nothing to do, staring into nothingness....What's wrong with me?!? I just want to have some kind of meaning to my life. Please, someone help me...




  1. That's a big question.

    I only have a small idea for you, to help get your thinking going. There's a book called "What Color Is Your Parachute?" that you can borrow from the library. It has questions in it that help you remember what it is that you like to do - what makes you happy. It's based on things you enjoyed doing in the past. It's meant for people to discover skills they can apply to a job, but it can help you in particular to rediscover your interests.

    Friendships are hard, no doubt about it. Yes, people are lazy and aren't motivated to leave the house. And it's hard to be the one reaching out all the time. I can only encourage you to keep at it.

    If you want, go on safari for some really weird friends. Look for people who are very much unlike you. How about finding some artsy people, some bikers, some punks, some librarians? Make a quest to get to know all kinds of people and draw them into your world. I think it would be fun to create a strange group of friends, introduce them to each other, and see how we all get along or don't get along. :D

  2. Ahhaha. Just like everyone else.

    First: Buy some clothes. Go to the mall and get some clothes you look wonderful in. It really helps.

    2: Start an internet thing. Get a Neopets account. Do Lord Of the Rings roleplay. Get an account on DeviantArt and put up some random photographs.

    3: Get into a fad. Invader Zim. High School Musical. Anime. Harry Potter. Twilight.

    4: Get ******* friends. It's not that hard; and if it is, you're not trying.

  3. i feel the same way but then i got into a hobbie. maybe u shoud join a club. there must be something u like? even if your not good at it dont let that discourage you from doing what you love. i have no talents. but i still do a lot of things. just go for it!! there may be clubs out there that do the things u love. so if u join that club, you get to have a hobbie and make friends. and you'll already have something in common with the people there!!

  4. Blah-blah-blah!  Life sucks!  Get over it!  Some people can't see to stare at the ceiling, or don't have hands to type, or a computer to use.  Get off your butt and get a life.  Stop being such a negative person, and look at the positive things you have, like, air to breathe, and clothes to wear, and food to eat, and a ceiling to live under.

  5. I think instead of asking why your life is so empty, you should find something that interests you and do it.  If you're not sure what interests you, try many new things.  If your friends don't want to do anything, go and do them yourself.  You can make new friends that way too.  Maybe you don't have any hobbies because you arn't trying any.  I say, get up out of your chair and go find something fun to do! Life is short.  Take risks.  Have fun.  You never know what tomorrow will bring!!!!

  6. Well,some things you can do are:1.going to a club that has a karaoke night 2.find some people you know from your school,or from around town,on myspace and other things(Facebook,MyYearbook etc.) 3.Go to the library and find a good book. 4.If you have any money,go to the movies. 5.Have a party ;]

    No More Boredness!:]

  7. join some sports, you can e-mail me 4 more help, just click on the thing that says AMY and then it says e-mail amy and click on that

    i find my selfto buzy and when school starts i will B really buzy

    i figure skate dance, plat tennis and do stuff with my friends all the time

  8. It sounds like you are depressed. You've gotta find SOMETHING you like to do. If you want to talk about stuff you can email me ok? We can talk about stuff.  

  9. Don't complain to us, DO something about it. If you don't want to stare at the wall all Friday Night, then don't. If you want friends, MAKE friends. Don't be such a wimp.

  10. ahh,

    same here

  11. Youre greeat, someday youll find friends to hang over and share. Ounly be patient, everybody feels lonely in the life. Make different things, go to football matches, I dont know. Make things and youll find new friends and maybe the one who'd fil you.

  12. Take up hobbies or a sport

  13. ok well find something to do like find something that u like to do like football soccer dance something or u can try to meet new friends i hope this helps good luck!!!

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