
Why is my rat so skinny?

by Guest33903  |  earlier

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I don't know if my rat is allowed to be this skinny. I feed him two meals a day, mostly consisting of a meat, a grain, a fruit and/or a veggie, yogurt, and protein. He used to be fat maybe only a day ago or two, and now he weighs at least a 1/4 less. Is he alright?

I don't know if this would have something to do with it or if it connects to his weight problem, but he seems to sway over to one side, almost like he's going to fall down, but then he remains there for a good few minutes!




  1. Feed it or then maybe thats wat he is

  2. His diet is not balanced. You should be feeding him a high quality lab block that you leave down at all times so they can graze (let them consume all before refilling however, so that the blocks are fresh). Then supplement with fresh veggies and some fruit.

    This is what Lianne McLeod (a vet) has to say about the subject:

    "Feeding pet rats is not difficult, but it is important to use a diet specifically designed for pet rats for the bulk of the diet. There are some homemade diets recommended by experts, but you must stick to these very well and make sure your rats get a variety of fresh supplements, or else the diet can end up imbalanced. However, some commercial diets meant for rats can end up being imbalanced too, if the rat is able to pick and choose their favorite parts and leave the rest. For most owners, a combination of a good rat block and some fresh treats as supplements is the easiest and best way to provide a balanced diet."

    What you are feeding him is absolutely not balanced for a rats needs. Debbie Ducomon's homemade diet is considered the best available. Here are the instructions for it:


    about 3 T molasses mix (see recipe)

    one serving of fruit (see menu)

    2-3 servings of vegetables (see menu)

    Twice a week (see menu)

    1 serving cooked beef liver (organic is best) or canned oysters

    Serving sizes

    cooked beans(2 t, use a variety of types)

    cooked sweet potato(3/4" cube)

    broccoli floret(1 1/2" across (cooked or raw)

    leafy greens(about 2" square)

    other vegies(1" square)

    cooked beef liver(1" X 3/4" X 1/4")

    canned oysters(one average)

    fruits(1/2" cube)

    Recipe for Molasses Mix

    (will last two rats about a week depending on size--for more than two rats, you can multiply the recipe)

    1500 mg calcium from chewable tablets or liquid calcium with vitamin D

    2000 mcg chromium picolinate

    250 mcg vitamin B12

    40 mg manganese (from capsules)

    3/4 C Total cereal

    1 lb packaged (not bulk) soft tofu

    4 t shelled raw sunflower seeds

    1 T flax seeds

    3 T raw oatmeal

    4 t pearled barley

    4 t millet

    3 T cooked brown rice

    4 T toasted wheat germ

    2 1/4 T nutritional yeast flakes (5.6 g)

    2 T blackstrap (dark or full flavor) molasses

    Soak the chromium picolinate, calcium, and B12 tablets in a tiny bit of water and when soft, crush. Coarsely crush the Total in a plastic bag. Mash the tofu in a bowl. Add all ingredients together with warm molasses and mix thoroughly. Store covered in the refrigerator or freezer.

  3. Sounds to me like he's sick. Does he hold his head tilted to one side? This could be a sign of an ear infection or something worse. Please take him in to a small animal vet.

  4. i lost a rat this way,when i was young.

    its a life theaening illness, get him to a vet please.

    it can be neurological problems, or as simple as a mite infection. please see a vet.or you rat may die.

  5. he needs to see a vet asap. try feeding him sardeen and tomatoe paiste to get his weight up its easy for sick rats to eat and is full of protien. The swaying can be to do with his brain or nervs either way you really need to get him to the vets

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