
Why is my retainer so uncomfortable?

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My next orthodontist visit they are going to remove my braces, but even though they didn't take them off yet, they put in the retainer for my bottom teeth, and will put in the top one next visit. Why is it so incredibly uncomfortable? It's even more uncomfortable then the braces were when I first got them! What can I do to relieve this discomfort? My tongue keeps scraping against it because its in the back behind my teeth, not in the front like the brackets. It's making my speech even worse too. is this normal? What can i do to relieve the discomfort?




  1. the reason is because this is the first time u have used it the discomfort will not last for long and the reason that ur speech is really bad is because of the retainers. so don't worry its totally normal that the retainer feels really uncomfortable.but u can use some cottonballs... trust me i hated them but the results are great and after like 1 month then the discomfort leaves and it feels like u don't even have any thing in ur mouth. i've had them before. hope that helped.

  2. you'll get use used them but in the meantime use cottonballs to keep them from scraping against ur tounge

  3. hahahahaha...sorry that sucks i never had permanent retainers...i had invisiline for retainers and i would definetly recommend them as they were and still are very comfortable(i still wear them at night)

  4. This happened to my friend. They didn't have her retainer fit right. Next appointment tell them that your retainer is causing you discomfort.

  5. That is not normal. Maybe they did not adjust your retainers properly. You should make them aware of your discomfort. I would take it out until I am able to visit the dentist office again. I had braces myself and although the retainer wasn't entirely comfortable, they didn't cause me pain.

  6. wire poking out

  7. maybe you should get another one made?

    your teeth may have changed a lot

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