
Why is my sister peeing?

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She is 3 years old and she already knows how to go to the bathroom. But out of nowhere she started to have accidents everyday. Why??




  1. Children sometimes forget to go to the bathroom when they need to go, because they are more interested in playing than taking a break to use the bathroom.  She probably just needs a few reminders throughout the day that it is time to use the potty  :)

  2. this happened to my little sister why she did it ... because she was so busy playing that she forgot just keep reminding her.

  3. That is sometimes a sign of a urinary tract infection in young children. You might need to take her to a doctor.

  4. This can happen when something in the home life changes. Like if she starts going to a preschool, or there's a new baby in the house, or even if you move or have guests staying with you for a period of time. Toddlers are very sensitive to change. They only know what they are used to and if there's a change in the regular routine, it feels as if their whole world is turned upside down. Just figure out the source of the problem and work on it from there. But try not to punish her for it, just talk to her about it. Good luck.

  5. shes 3 it will happen once in awhile dont make a big deal out of it the whole pissing in the toilet thing is new. Just keep reminding her that big girls use the toilet

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