
Why is my tooth hurting ?

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Why is my tooth hurting ?




  1. because you have a toothache

  2. Could be that you cracked it or that it's starting to become infected. Either way, do not wait.....go to the dentist right away. A tooth doesn't start hurting for no reason. Catch it before it becomes a bigger problem. If you can't get to the dentist right careful eating and try taking some aleve which is an anti-inflammatory. If you can't take that, try advil.......and take 3 at a time. That will help you get thru til you can see the dentist. I also found that by holding a very, very warm wet washcloth to my cheek, close to the hurting tooth really helps and try to sleep with your head elavated a little bit. Good luck.

  3. Toothache

    A tooth might be rotting


    Go see your dentist they will always help you (:

  4. You probably got a loosed tooth or a cavity which make its hurt go see a dentist or get some pain killers to relieve that pain.

  5. You have damage to the tooth in some way. It may been cracked by chewing or biting something very hard or you may have a cavity.

    Take some painkillers and see if the pain disappears, if not then you need to book a visit to your dentist ASAP to sort out the problem.

  6. You cracked it on your fork.

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