
Why is my v****a like this??

by Guest66008  |  earlier

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omg, its so frusterating.

a few months ago my v****a was very dry i think due to soap or something.. then it started getting a little better but today it had a lot of mucus which is better then it being dry, but i dont get it.. why cant it just be wet all the time

also my labia has gotten longer i think and its a little wrinkly.. how can i change all this becuase i dont really like the look of it anymore. (im not doing surgery!)

p.s. it isnt STI, infection, nothing.. just normal..

plz help and be mature about it




  1. Nothing wrong with a little mucus in the vagine. Remember the vagine is a s*x organ which by nature will secrete some mucus to keep the delicate membrane lubricated and to provide that tangy flavor. As far as those meat curtains getting longer and more wrinkly ....this is merely the aging process and also is normal. Remember those photos of Britney getting out of a car with no panties? Nothing to worry about. Good luck.

  2. You may have beautiful sexual lubrication flow? Was the flow clear and sticky? Labia come in all sizes. Enjoy the beauty. Don't have surgery, I'd say. Find a bathing suit that will hide your labia. Good luck!

  3. dryness = soap

    down there you have to use ph neutral products

    mucus = natural

    part the the process of  making s*x comfortable

    and can some time happen all by itself

    the change in the labia = I'm not so sure about

    you no your body better then anyone

    if you are concerned about the change, find a local doctor that you comfortable talking about it with

    they may suggest a less invasive treatment option for you

  4. i dont think its normal..i suggest u see an obgyne for ur problem...

  5. most women suffer from vaginal dryness.

    you should notice that wetness normally follows a cycle, just before and after your period you are very dry and possibly itchy, then towards the time of ovulation there should be allot of mucus.

    if the dryness if unbearable get a personal lubricant and apply it. try one with moisturizers and vitamin e like Durex Play.

    Your labia is probably wrinkly if you have had sexual relations recently. Because when you become aroused, your labia swells and retracts causing the skin to stretch, and obviously when it relaxes the skin is a bit looser. i have noticed if i abstain they return to normal.

    hope this helps =D

  6. sounds like an STD! take your *** to a doctor asap! don't play with your privates like that get help

  7. Why do you want to be wet all the time?

    Vginal moisture is generated by hormones in your body.  And, because these hormones vary in how regular they are [right, ladies?!?!], it's going to affect how wet (or dry) you are from week to week (or month to month).  Other things can affect it too, like tampon use (or overuse).

    More to the point, don't confuse moisture internally with actually being "wet", or having a heavy discharge, OR what you experience during sexual arousal.  For this last one, and assuming everything's working okay, it takes care of itself when the time is right.

    For me, I like being drier on the outside, moist on the inside, and have special "buttons and dials" for when it's time to "saddle up".

    As for labia, this is natural.  Guys aren't really going to care....believe me.

    Good luck!

  8. Its better you consult a doctor at the earliest now

  9. having a dry v****a is completely normal its just how some are made usually when we think about s*x ad want it our v****a stays wet cause its a natural lubricant maybe ure busy with stuff and are not thinking about s*x thats why. and if mucus is cuming out it could be infection get checked by a doctor if it itches i recommend monistat or some vagisil cream hope this helps

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