
Why is she sleeping like this????

by  |  earlier

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my baby is 4 days old and she sleeps all day, and between 12am and 3am she will not stop crying. how can i get her in to a good sleep pattern? it seems like the only thing to get her to stop crying is to feed her, but i am breastfeeding and should only be feeding every 2 1/2 to 3 hours. i feed her at 12am, and and by 12:30 she's sleeping, but only for about 10 minutes. what can i do????




  1. A breastfed 4 day old baby is not on a schedule yet and should be fed ANYTIME they seem hungry. This will not only ensure that bubs puts on the weight she needs but also assists your milk production. Also, she may not be wanting feeding but suckling is comforting for her. This is very common in the early days and she will grow out of it.

    Congratulations and good luck

  2. What??? Only feed every 2/12 to 3 hours? That's ridiculous. She's probably hungry DUH!!!! Her tummy is tiny and breast milk digests very quickly. How would you feel if you woke up starving and couldn't get any food? That should be considered abusive. Not to be mean but where did you get such a c**p idea as 2 1/2 to 3 hours? Do not trust that person's advice even if it's your doctor, get another one.

  3. I have a 15 week old and she was the exact same way. It's almost as if its me who typed that question. It didn't last for longer then a week then she made the transition between night and day. This is what we did.

    During the night.

    1. feed only in bedroom

    2. keep lights down low

    3. Keep noise to a minumum

    4. Do not play with her

    During the day

    During the day

    1. Make sure baby is kept in a light noisy atmosphere

    2. feed only after 2 1/2 - hours

    3. keep baby awake for 1/2 hour to 1 hour after feeds. (an idea on how to keep baby awake is bathing) Get your family to help.

    The bottom line is, it wont last forever. I'm sure in another 10 days she will have made the transition fine.


  4. Give her a dummy/pacifier. Some babies have a very strong sucking reflex and they need to suck so as to sooth. If you teach her to sooth herself through breastfeeding your going to become her pacifier and will end up getting up every hour to feed her back to sleep. At 4 days she doesn't know the difference between night and day. Set up a routine to teach her when to sleep and when to wake up. During the day keep her in a well lit room with plenty of noise run through a four hour routine which involves nap; waking feeding playing and then nap again. Evening time. give her a warm bath; massage; dress feed then swaddle and put to bed don't allow her to sleep will feeding.   Learn to recognise when she is tired; babies will jerk there arms when they start to get tired; also they will whinge and then start to cry. Make sure you are putting to sleep before they start to cry uncontrollably because then they are overly tired and can't sleep. In the evening keep lights and noise to a minimum so as to not overstimulate her.

    Don't try let her stay awake all day because she will again be overtired and overstimulated and unable to sleep. Routine is the key to a settled baby; it makes them feel secure knowing what is about to happen. Follow these steps and you will have a good sleeper but it will take sometime just be patient .

  5. well when the baby is in the womb it's usally more active at night, try your best to keep her awake while breastfeeding, tickle her feet, thats what I did with my daughter and it kept her up. wake her up every few hours during the day, she may cry but'll get better. Your lucky your baby sleeps all day. I wish mine did. lol. It'll get easier as she gets older I promise

  6. ive seen a lot of people that try to keep their baby awake all day because it ruins their night sleep. and that way if the baby hasnt slept all day except for a nap in the middle then at night they would probably sleep.

    ask a doctor or something.

  7. Actually if you are breastfeeding they eat a lot sooner than bottle feeding. Bottle feeding they should be eating every 2/12 to 3 hours, breastfeeding they feed every 1 to 2 hours. When she gets a little bit older you can try to get her on a sleeping schedule, it won't be long now. When her cord falls off you can start giving her a bath at night, right before bed time, playing with her and then putting her down so she knows that dark time is bed time. Don't keep her up during the day, I tried that and just ended up with a cranky baby at night. Sleeping during the day actually helped her to sleep at night and I figured if she was going to be up I would rather have her happy. Good luck to you, and like I keep being reminded, it gets better (mine is 7 weeks and still not sleeping through the night but getting better with the baths and routine).

  8. is normal...actually since u're breastfeeding as long as she wants a feed..just give...last time i also the same...every hr she need a grandma jus ask mi to go ahead...o maybe is ur milk flow low......try's gd..if problem still consists...go to a doctor or breast feeding consulant...maybe try giving her a pacifier...

    --`` baby loves to slp...cause since she onli 4day old,she still think that she still in ur's reali normal..dun worry..  =)

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