
Why is the Federal Reserve evil?

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Why is the Federal Reserve evil?




  1. They are not evil per se', they are a banking system that was created by the rich, to serve the rich people's interests.

    The only thing that could be considered evil, is the general US citizen's trust in the government-i.e., the super wealthy, to rule in fairness.

    Look, it does not take a Rhodes Scholar to decipher the facts, the wealthy, created the 'Democratic' system, so as to include the 'working' class, in the illusion of having a say in politics.

    Yet, history proves, that even though democracy had a few hiccups where the working class did gain a few carrots, the ruling class carefully biding their time, has eroded any and all progression towards equity.

    The main problem? Is that a certain percentage of the working classes, don;t really want to work, and thus provide incentive for the rich, to remove the few niceties that those who DO deserve them would have.

    Fire your lawyer, go to work, do a fair days work, but do not, ever, trust the rich.

    (Clue? Both Obama and McCain are feeding off of our blood sweat and tears.)

  2. hmm not sure... good question!

  3. Because it's a private FOR PROFIT bank that makes interest on money that we need which I'm pretty sure also constitutes a monopoly.

  4. well with Bush's boy Bernake at the helm, the goal was push off the recession by lowering interest rates- but that caused inflation.

    So its political

  5. It not "evil" per se, but it is a government granted monopoly which bears special privileges and responsibilities. The Fed and the government do not welcome competition. Remember the Liberty Dollar?

  6. Because it's a private bank created by the federal government.  Put two and two together and something doesn't pass the smell test.  It shouldn't exist.

  7. Define "evil"

  8. It wont let me put a link on here but look on youtube, (ZEITGEIST) and there will be a Federal Reserve link, very interesting.

  9. It's a private bank that our Govt borrows money from. Every dollar in your pocket is a bank note, not a representation of gold. Real money should represent a unit of gold, silver or copper. Bank Notes are loans.

    The creators of the Federal Reserve are Warburg, Rothschild, Rockefeller, and 2 other families.

  10. i Don't know but miquel sounds like a socialist.....

    What democracy isn't good enough for you? are you too free perhaps? maybe you'd like everyone to be equal? maybe you'd like for there to be no competitioin? Maybe cradle to grave government care is alright with you? Well get the h**l out of the US and ship yourself to paris buddy your heaven awaits you!

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