
Why is there no 13th floor?

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how come in every buliding there is no floor 13? i know it bad luck number but come on in a buliding? 12 - 14 is there an empty floor or do they just name the 13th floor 14th? and why is this they do that, is there a story behind it or anyting?




  1. I think it's bad luck to have a 13th floor, idk why. But i was born on a friday the 13th, so I happen to like the number 13. lol.

  2. actually the reason is superstition quite obviously and the reasons are many . read this its real fun, looots of stuff about number 13. I especialy like the Norse one.. its not in wikipedia, i might add it later actually.

  3. If I built building I called every floor the thirteenth...

  4. It's an old superstition.

    Buildings always seemed to have a problem on the thirteenth floor, like fire or constant disrepair, so they just stopped making the thirteenth floor. In all honesty, the 14th flood is really the 13th, but the number isn't present in the elevator, therefore making the cables less likely to snap and everyone inside to fall to their doom. Sounds logical, doesn't it?

  5. Yes there is a 13th floor but they number it's because of superstitious reasons. I have encountered one high rise building that did have a 13th floor. It's the old Atlanta Journal Constitution building in Atlanta,Georgia. I attended my pharmacy tech school there and our classes were actually on the 13th floor!!  

  6. It's just superstition.  People think it will be bad luck so they leave it out to be on the safe side.  We were in Myrtle Beach about 3 weeks ago in a high rise hotel.... and there was no 13th floor.  :)

  7. it's a superstition that goes back a hundred years or so.

    Yes 13 is an "unlucky" number.  And many people belive the 13th floor in a hotel or building is unlucky for whatever heir superstitious reasoning is.  Buildings that are built with more that 12 floors traditionally will not call their 13th floor the 13th.  "Bad things always happen to 13th floors and buildings with 13th floors."  so they just relabel in an attempt to avoid the superstitions.

    some buildings will not label the 13th floor 13 and skip from 12th floor to 14th floor to appease the public, but many superstitious patrons will still not reside on the physical 13th floor even it has a different name.  So many architects have begun designing skyscrappers with a storage floor on the physical 13th floor.  

    Hotels are notorious for placing all inhouse facilities on the physical 13th floor and calling it the maintaince floor or such.

    The story is basically the same no matter who tells it or where the tale originates.  It's all about appeasing the public so they spend more money feeling comfortable.

  8. From the outside there is always a 13th floor. Hey I always woundered why floors have to be numbered in order or how about using different colors. The 13th floor is all about superstition. If you look hard enough you will probably find a really bad story about a building with a 13th floor. Why don't we just leave the numbers off & make all the buttons blank.

  9. Thirteen may be considered a "bad" or "unlucky" number simply because when a group of 13 objects or people is divided into two, three, four or six equal groups, there is always one leftover, or "unlucky", object or person.

    Some Christian traditions have it that at the Last Supper, Judas Iscariot, the disciple who betrayed Jesus, was the 13th to sit at the table.

    According to another interpretation, the number 13 is unlucky because it is the number of full moons in a contemporary year, but two full moons in a single calendar month (mistakenly referred to as a blue moon in a magazine article of the 1940s) only happens about every 5 years.

    Early nursery rhymes stated there were thirteen months in a year because of the natural moon cycle that was used to count the lunar year. In England, a calendar of thirteen months of 28 days each, plus one extra day, known as "a year and a day" was still in use up to Tudor times.

    The human menstrual period occurs in a typical woman every 28 days (nearly 13 times a year), and this in many ancient cultures suggested a connection between thirteen and women. The association of thirteen with bad luck may be a vilification of the "female" number.

    It was suggested by Charles A. Platt writing in 1925 that the reason 13 is considered unlucky is that a person can count from 1–12 with their 8 fingers, two thumbs and 2 feet, but not beyond that, so the number 13 is unknown, hence frightening, hence unlucky. This idea discounts the use of toes or other body parts in counting.

    Another hypothesis about the origin of Friday the 13th as an unlucky day is attributed to this being the day that the Knights Templar were slaughtered in a collaboration between King Philip IV of France and Pope Clement V finishing with the burning at the stake of Jacques De Molay.

    The legion with which Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon was the Legio XIII Gemina or the 13th legion.

    13 is the 6th prime number. 6 is sometimes considered an unlucky number due to its association with 666.

  10. It's just the old unlucky 13 myth. They simply skip the number 13 and of course they don't leave the 13th floor empty. That would be taking things a little too far and be very expensive as buildings must produce a certain amount of revenue per square foot. Owners of such expensive real estate as high rise buildings must wisely utilize every square foot of floor space so as to maximize the income it will produce.

  11. he's not even a kid...

    and he doesn't even rock...

  12. Jesus 12 apostles anything extra would be bad luck thus a dozen eggs. Friday is  the day jesus was crucified. The English language and superstitions were invented before our modern society and multiculturalism when only celts and anglo people spoke the language and christianity was the only religion. if your chinnese or jewish or anything  not celtic or anglo  and living in america today you dont see the relevance between a dozen eggs the number 12 and the 12 apostles. But to the people speaking the language a thousand years ago they saw and understood the connection.

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