
Why is there no channel one?

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Why is there no channel one?




  1. When television was invented there were -- obviously -- very few channels being broadcast.  The Federal Communications Commission -- which regulates and controls broadcast media (television and radio) -- assigned  the high end wave lengths for television using a different wave length for each channel, channels 1 through 13.  At the time radio was king of the media world and many radio stations filled the airwaves of almost every community.  Since radio was still expanding the FCC took a lot of pressure from radio companies to give some of the TV wavelengths back to radio.  In what is one of the greatest examples of poor foresight in human history, the FCC agreed that television would not gain the popularity of radio and gave the wavelength for channel 1 back to radio.  But because TVs were already on the market the channels were never renumbered and have ever since started at channel 2.

  2. Originally there was one, but it was negotiated away to cure interference problems.  Here is a good article on the history of TV channel 1.

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