
Why is this happening to me??

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I've been getting neglected for 6 months but I don't know why!!! It's like I've become an outcast from my family!!!




  1. You don't say HOW ! we can only guess at what you mean ?

    So it is really difficult for anybody to help or answer you.

    More details are required ,  so someone may be of help.

    The only thing comes to mind, is you need somebody quick

    to talk to.....Some suggestions -  Counselling if your at school,a school

    teacher you trust may know where and how to get help.

    The Children's Services, Doctor, Family friends, or other relative

    or neighbour whom can be of help to you.

  2. How old are you?

    Cherish youre family. I dont have ANY.

    Walk a day in my shows then you will feel neglected.

  3. Maybe, its because of your difference from your sister. I think you should just be patient about them and just do the things your parents wants you to do (as long as it is right), then, get a job, save some money for getting ready to separate from them.

  4. You can always email my fiancée L@UR3N{Charles Robinson Fan LOL} and we'll can give you some advice

  5. Well we kinda need more info plz      =]

  6. When I was your age I was going through a pretty rough patch!!! My mum and Dad split up. I was living in a tiny Texan ranch with my dad and my five brothers!!! I've been in the bottom of every bottle and it wasn't pretty!!! Just remember that there is a way of getting out of it and that's running away but don't do it it's not nice living on the streets!!! If you need someone to talk to just email me!!!

  7. You need to let them know how you feel. Maybe you are doing great and there is no need to worry so much about you. That happens to me, people really reach out when something is wrong or sick. Lets hope that's not the case, but find out!

  8.   I would talk to your family. Either seriously talk to them about this or talk to a more distant relative like an uncle, aunt, or grandparent to ask them for help. If they hit you a lot, that's also child abuse so if ur too freaked out to go to the police talk to someone who will like tell a friend or a friend's parent. That should help.

  9. Have you been doing something to make your family treat you this way?  Be more specific.

  10. I agree with TAIM. How old are you? and how are they neglecting you? Perhaps, you are not as young as when you had to be given everything in a silver platter. I don't mean to be sarcastic, but maybe your family expects you to grow up, or take on more responsibilities. Unless your family has reasons mentally challenge reasons not to include you in their activities, I think maybe it's time you do grow up.

    But then again, I'm making these conclusions with the little info. you provided.

    Sorry, you feel this way, I've been neglected by my family before. They had found out something they were ashamed of me doing that hurt them, maybe you did something shameful too?

  11. it never hurts to ask one of the family members.  

  12. I don't know

  13. talk to yoru family  

  14. in shock...i feel so sorry for you...i hope things get better for you. first talk to someone you can confide in lk a family member outside your immediate family. secondly, if your mother or father continues this as in hitting you and treating you this way i'd go to the police and talk about it. this is bad in my opinion.

  15. Make friends. It could be a good thing.  

  16. They do not have a clue as to how you feel unless you let them know. A lot of your feelings may be feelings you have let build in you without a reason for them to have built up.

  17. Maybe you used to be spoiled, and now you're just being treated like any normal person.

    Neglected as in locked out of the house and forced to get your own food?

    Neglected as in nobody cares about your boy problems?

    Neglected as in your parents finish dinner while you lay bleeding on the floor?

    Or maybe your parents have become heroine addicts.

    Or maybe you just really pissed them off and they really do hate you now.

    It's endless!

    Someone loves you.

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