Solicitation to Obtain Babies for Adoption...
Frequently in the news in the United States are reports of prospective adopters who are devastated when a mother decides to keep her own son or daughter. These people have worked so hard in their attempt to obtain a healthy infant. They have read the how-to books and articles. They have hired someone to generate a "Dear Birthmother" letter for them, a slick advertisement that makes them sound flawless and would make almost any mother, especially one experiencing morning sickness and other effects of pregnancy, question her own abilities. Some prospective adopters have an agency or lawyer advertising, withholding information, making promises, denying any sort of real help and pressuring a mother until she surrenders her parental rights. Other prospective adopters approach a pregnant mother personally, making false promises of continuing contact between the child and her mother, siblings and other relatives in an attempt to obtain her child.