
Why is this???

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ok this might be freaky but at night wen i dream i dream of real stuff like a couple years ago before i moved to where im now at i had a dream of my first day of school and i saw everything so wen that day actually came everything that happened in my dream actually happened that day

why is that????

help me solve this mystery




  1. these are premonitions :) on rare occasions people dream the things that will happen, i also had dreams that came true, and some dreams that seemed so vivid that i confused them with reality.

  2. You were caught in a time warp and all the stuff in the dream was real but when you went home you went to sleep and dreamed about what just happened,

  3. yeah i have dreams like that too. but i never remember until the actual event happens. i just treat it as deja vu which i get often. i find it rather entertaining actually. i dont know why it is but you probably shouldnt worry about it.

  4. I don't think i can really help you with this, cause it doens't really have an explanation.

    BUT, i totally get where you're goin with this, because i have things like that too. =]

    Maybe we just look too much to the furture in our minds.

  5. This is either premonition or sotoma. If its premonition its like dreaming the future, but this is very rare. It is most likely sotoma, where you see what your mind chooses to see. You must have had a dream similar to what happened and you subconsiously confused dream with reality. Its not a disease or anything it happens with everybody.

  6. I get them too.

    I'm betting that the dreams aren't exactly as the event takes place but that there are a few details that are diffrent such

    as body postures or certain words,the colors of something

    and so on.

    Technically your not really dreaming about a future event if

    the details are slightly changed so technically they aren't


    There's no mistery!You had a dream.

  7. This is a kind of a prophetic dream. You may probably have heard about stories of prophets who have foretold what will happen in the future. But like you, they did not understand what was it until that dream came into reality in some future time.

  8. dont worry i get that too. i only have short dreams and i end up forgetten them until they come true

  9. DUDE! That same thing happens to me!I thought I was just like a freak or something. When ever that actually happens all I see is useless stuff, like what my desk will look like next year or the sweater I'll wear tomorrow. I have had the same dream plot though, except I saw my dad dropping me off at school on the first day of 5th grade. It used to really scare me because I thought my nightmares may really happen! Scary!! It's kinda like a deja vu!
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