
Why is watching pornorgraphy do addicting?

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Why is watching pornorgraphy do addicting?




  1. Forget all the other answers.

    It's because it releases dopamine in the brain, pure and simple. That's the definition of what is an addictive activity or substance to a neurologist.

    Everything physically addictive, whether it be drugs, s*x or eating fat and sugar is because it rewards you in the area's of the brain controlled by dopamine. For example, cocaine, heroine and amphetamines all release dopamine in large quantities from the brain and block it's re absorption. Cocaine is one of the most addictive substances known to man.

    The've done studies on rats where they give the rat a choice between two levers in a box, food and water or a release of dopamine into the brain. The rats simply continue to press the dopamine lever until they are exhausted and pass out, sometimes dying from exhaustion - that's what dopamine can do!

    Anyway, s*x releases dopamine and a whole host of other chemicals, such as oxytocin and serotonin, into the brain.

  2. Almost anything can be addicting...

    However, in the case of something like p**n, I'd say it is because of the fantasy element involved. Most guys, when they watch it, tend to place themselves in place of the actor.

    For some guys, their lives are so pathetic, and they are so eager to escape, that they come to view the p**n as a way to escape their lives for the 30-90 minutes that the flick runs.

    For most and women, p**n of one type or another (and I'm including Romance Novels as well as the hardest hard core x*x), simply is something to arouse and titillate and get them ready for some fun with the mate - especially when it's shared!

    There are other reasons...but you'd have to discuss those with an addict or a psychologist, and I am neither. So...

    Good Luck!

  3. Because s*x, like many other enjoyable things in life, releases endorphins in the brain, it makes you feel good. People who watch pornography to increase their arousal can become addicted because the feelings of satiety they get from watching it are usually greater than when you just "imagine". Some people actually get to the point that they cannot experience sexual pleasure without pornography, they've trained themselves to react to it, and they can't get by without it. Which is why some people have to actually go to rehab for s*x addictions.... they can't control their sexual habits, and they can't function "normally" as far as s*x is concerned. It's like a drug addiction.

  4. Variety is good.

  5. Because most visual impressions have great impact on igniting the human senses.  Thus the reason if you see a really good food commercial, all of a sudden your mouth waters and you get hungary.  p**n ignites your sexual pallet.  Then the more you watch the more "doors" are opened in your brain and like a fire, it just ignites more and more desire to discover what else those crazy folks on the p**n video are willing to subject themselves to sexually.

    Plus alot of people love to watch p**n because they get off on watching people actually do things they probably wouldnt do or try.  Once you get past the basics, then you start to look into the more erotic p**n, and it just keeps growing and growing like a drug.  No different than when people try a cigarette, then weed, then cocain, then heroine, etc etc.  Church folks call it "the devil" and all it's spirits that keep pulling you deeper and deeper into "sin" till you take your soul to h**l.  

  6. If you watch enough of it then it starts to get boring, cause you've seen it all you know.  It's a mind thing cause it's like taboo and you become aroused and it feels good to please yourself yada, yada.  So watch lots of p**n every day and then you'll get used to it and it won't be so addicting anymore.

  7. Its not addicting for everyone.  If you consider it addicting then you have some sexual issues that need to be talk about with a health professional.

  8. are you a guy?

    thats why.  

  9. Because it may arouse you and you might feel pleasure from it?

    :\ Thats not really hard to understand.

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