
Why not feed cats people food? ?

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I like to feed my cat, Thompson, broccoli. That's not all he eats. I just give it to him in his cat food. But people keep saying I'm wrong to feed him people food. Why?




  1. Yes it can be very harmful depending on the food and the strength of your cat's immune system.  My cat was diagnosed with high protein in his urine because we fed him tuna, and we just had to later put him down because his liver and pancreas had failed.  I would not risk it and continue feeding him food specifically for cats, because you just don't know how his body would respond..

  2. For crying out loud, I wish people would stop spreading this misconception. "People food" is fine. In fact, for several reasons, feeding the right "people food" is much more healthy than feeding commercial cat food ( premium or not).                            

  3. Cat should not be fed fruits and vegetables. They are meat eaters.

  4. Our cats seem to love boiled potatoes which I think is weird too. None of them have any adverse reactions to it.

    I think it should be all right. Cats probably see us eating it and want to eat it themselves. If you are concerned though either speak to a vet or else keep a close eye on them, but I don't see it doing them any damage.

  5. You can feed your cat with human food but not human PROCESSED food. So if you eat chicken, you can give some to him (as a matter of fact it's the best thing you can do) but if your chicken is roasted, marinated or coming from PFK, avoid it.

    In clear any raw cooked meat without any spices, roasting or things like that, is good. As a matter of fact it's probably better than any cat food sold in supermarket and petshop. If you could have plain chicken, fish and steak cooked without the fat every night for kitty, you would be the best thing for him.

    But be aware. Many thing are not good for cats. Milk for instance is not good (most cats cannot digest lactose). Chocolate is poison, etc. inform yourself before giving something

    Most people say it's not good to give food to a cat because of these dangers. So it's better to make a general comment that human food is not good to avoid disaster.

    Another reason for not giving human food is to avoid having kitty falling on your nerves when you eat, wanting his share of it. On that, I must say that if you educate your cat well and make him understand that he's not allowed to touch anything on the table and that no body will ever give him something, he will stick to his bowl.

    Good luck

  6. i'll feed my cat people food when I have extra that I don't want (let them l**k the bowl when I'm done feed them fish that was left or something) I feed them cat food too. It doesnt seem to hurt them. But I do know some cats gag when they even smell people food....I dont think it's wrong

  7. Okay, first of all broccoli is 100% natural, no preserves and such. Same with meats and fishes. Its bad to give them stuff with a lot of chems and preserves like MSG and such. Those can be fatal to little cats. Humans are big, so 1 teaspoon in our system is a mild irritation. In a cat that would be like 2 cups of the same substance, hence the fatal problem. IF your cat shows no harm, then let them eat your stuff. Just be smart about it. My cat loves flammin hot Cheetos, but I have to be careful because of the MSG. So I only let him l**k my fingers a little.

    Use your own judgment. You live with the cat, you know it best. If its fine with the broccoli, so be it.  

  8. If giving your pet "people food" just keep in mind that what's unhealthy for you is also unhealthy for your pet.  Fresh or steamed vegetables are perfectly fine for a cat or dog as long as you're also feeding a proper diet along with it.  

    My dogs were on completely home-cooked meals for quite some time when all the pet food recalls were going on.

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