
Why people haitn on usain bolt?

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hes just happy to win.and so what if he did showboat thats what us colored folk do when we get hyped up.




  1. i love him

  2. Because he shows bad sportsmanship. He should take a cue from athletes like Dara Torres. If he showed some class instead of being an ***, then no one would be hating on him.

  3. colored folk?? dude, not cool. Even the IOC said he was a little to brash, kind of comes off like a tool but he's one h**l of a runner, best around.

  4. I like him. Hes funny and deserves to celebrate. People just have personal opinions. Maybe they wanted Tyson g*y to win or something......

  5. he was happy,and i herd a interview where he talked to his agent and he said he was very sorry and he would never do it again

  6. The media needed a story after Michael Phelps was done swimming.  Bolt was all they had to report about, so the media blew the celebration thing out of proportion.

    I wouldn't sweat it.  Real people enjoyed his razzle dazzle.  Good for Jamaica!

  7. Maybe because they think he's disrespectful to the other runners and a show-off? I mean, didn't he like, turn around when he was about to cross the finish line and looked back at the other runners and pound his chest or something?

    I don't know. I don't hate him but maybe those are the reasons. :P

  8. Just becasue you think he's not disrespectful doesn't mean others agree, It's opinion and for someone to say he's not being disrespectful is all bull.

    I think he comes off like a d**k, that's my opinion and I'm entitled to it an a subjective question like this. I has nothing to do with winning or losing, it's all attitude and how you come off. First impressions are everything.

  9. he's a showboat, that's just the way he is, too bad too because he's a great athlete.

    There are lots of "colored folks" in the Olympics, only bolt showboats, so they all don't do that.

    If I new I was disrespecting some people or offending them even if I didn't mean too, I would stop, but I guess he doesn't' care.

  10. Not me. Bolt is fast!!!!!!!

  11. The reason it is plain Jealousy he is just happy to win and that's the way black peoples usually celebrate and express themselves furthermore when ever time a person win's  any competition it is your opponents obligation to come over and congratulate you. it not your job to look for them so they can congratulate best wises to usain may he dance many more Gully creeper and no linger...and f..k the critics.

  12. bc other people cant beat their chest and win at the same time

  13. I don't hate him. I think he did great. I pray he is legit though, I mean clean cause it will be bad if he isn't. Rogge is hatin' on him though. He has all the right to celebrate.

  14. I honestly Don't know what the problem is. The guy isn't being disrespectful or anything. They acatually asked some of the other Track athletes if they felt disrespected by Bolts celebration. Not a single one said yes. They all  completely understood his joy and said basically 'He deserves to celebrate'. There are much much worse things going on at these games, I don't know why they chose to single out an innocent little celebration.

    I'm an American, I think he is amazing. I would love to see him run again. And celebrate. So much for that 'Americans hate him' response further down. What reason would any American have to hate him? Is he a member of Al Qaeda or something? o_O

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