
Why people wearig glass? ?

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Why people wearig glass? ?




  1. Glasses are worn for two reasons.

    The first is to correct the vision so they could see properly.

    The second is for comfort and style when they use them for fashion and as protection from sun and other very bright light sources.

  2. to rectify their eyesight

  3. This question is really interesting. Some really wear because they

    have a problem of eyesight. Others just wear it as a fashion to

    attract ladies. Many others to keep their eyes cool from intense

    sunlight.And  obviously small kids love to play with it.

    With lots of thanks.

  4. your question is in the wrong category

  5. some wear for fashion , some are wearing to prevent their eyes from dust , some for weak eyesight.

  6. Because they want to differentiate between Beer, Wine and Spirits.

  7. Because they look s**y.

  8. coz  dey have weak eyes,n thts nuthing 2 do wid BEER OR WINE i think...........!

  9. So they can see the little "Spell Check" box that pops up.  Wearig?

  10. c their are different types of glasses for the eye sight, headache and for the style purpose...!



  11. because they have a problem in there eye sight.

  12. because there eye sight is bad or slightly bad or they have to see things close up with them or far away with them  

  13. people with deformative eyesight wear glasses to improve their vision or visibility. Neither the user will get the visibility stronger nor weaker has anything to do with, and wearing glasses might be based on two factors, 1) type of defect, 2) type of glass to be worn.  

  14. some wear for show off

    some got a weak eyeside

    some wear for protection form uv rays

    many reasons

  15. I wear mine so that I can see. It's near impossible to function without them!

  16. Why can't some people spell....

  17. To cee

  18. Each  eye has a small lens which focuses the object properly and sharpely on a small curtain which is situated at the back side of this lens. The lens is flexible and adjusts itself to focus properly a distant object or a nearby object. When this flexibility of the lens is reduced due to some reason the focusing of the object gets disturbed and one cannot see the object properly. This  can be corrected by putting another lens (spectacles) in front if the eyes.  

  19. Can't speak for anyone else, but if I don't wear mine, I'm likely to run some poor person down while driving! I think that's a bad thing.

  20. becoz they don't eat carrot

    have u ever seen rabbit wearing glasses.,,,,,,,,,,,,

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